Tag Archives: tropical-as-she

Bella Thorne Tranny Tits of the Day

Bella Thorne is the most interesting character on Social Media, probably the most influential girl besides the Kardashians. She gets paid a ton of money to post bullshit. She has been able to manipulate the music charts with her music that I will avoid listening to but that I appreciate because she’s gaming everyone. It’s the ultimate troll….leverage Disney, be as sensational as possible, get followed, get naked or half naked, have people love you and buy into you and believe your lie…. I like a girl exploited by her mom. They get how life really works and have no souls or expectations because even their moms saw them as a product to sell off… Here is her bikini, part of her hustle of dominate social media, to dominate pop culture, and eventually dominate the movies, TV and music cuz it’s all reliant on social media… SCAMS! Video….

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Bella Thorne Tranny Tits of the Day

Alexis Ren is Naked of the Day

Alexis Ren has a great body. You just have to look past the fact that she looks like fetal alcohol syndrome baby, or maybe it’s a vacuum baby, or maybe it’s some delayed reaction thalidomide flipper baby 10 years after the crisis…or maybe her mom was as tropical as she is and got on that ZIKO kick…or it could always be just crack baby…seeing as she’s from CALI…or maybe it’s just the angle she takes her slutty selfies from…making her proportions all ANIME like which is why JAPAN love her and she’s always there…getting paid on the international scene by rich business people… Alexis Ren promotes herself by posting up pics of her great body. It’s all she really has, it’s the vision she has, the hustle she has, yet never in the form of a sex tape – which is really what I am interested in seeing…a good old fashion sex tape….you’d expect there to be more of them, since everyone is a pervert sex addict, exhibitionist, yet I guess they just save the sex tapes for their immediate circle of dudes they sext…. The key is figuring out how to get into that circle…

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Alexis Ren is Naked of the Day