Tag Archives: true-whether

Grandma is Very Confused Over Drake/Future Lyrics

Grandmothers are adorable when they're confused. This is true whether they are smoking weed for the first time or watching the Kim Kardashian sex tape . Or whether they are trying to comprehend the lyrics to Drake and Future's “Jumpman,” as an elderly woman is attempting to do here. In this amazing piece of footage, Mary from The Golden Sisters starts to read the lyrics aloud, pronouncing “Chi-Town” as Chee-Town and asking: “What is that? China Town?” She constantly refers to “dopeman” as “dopamine” and shares that her husband “had to take Dopamine when he had a heart attack, that's how I remember that word.” After growing frustrated, Mary finally loses it a bit, concluding: “I don't wanna really know any of this STUPID POP-CULTURE, I'm not interested in it…This is not Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett. “Jesus, Drake, I'm really ashamed of you, 'cause I know you're smart…He is, right?” That's debatable.

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Grandma is Very Confused Over Drake/Future Lyrics