Tag Archives: trying-pick-up

Latex Model Bianca Beauchamp Tries Pick-Up Lines at Comic Con

My homies at Vidhuntr.com got together with Latex Fetish Model, who you may or may not know, named Bianca Beauchamp , an amazingly hot looking girl who dresses in latex fetish gear as a job, and has been doing it since before latex fetish gear was a thing….and shot a video of her dressed like Jessica Rabbit trying pick-up lines on the nerds and weirdo comic people who were at the event, you know the kind of people who normally bang fat girls you wonder who actually fucks, and she dressed like Jessica Rabbit… This was at Comic Con a couple of weeks ago…and she look amazing, at least her body looks amazing, and the creepers creeping on her are kind of amazing…especially the autistic looking Mexican dude…and the guy dressed like the guy Spaceballs…making this a throwback to 94…which I’m sure the nerds love… Watch the video is worth watching at least 5 times…because there is just so much boob that your technically need to experience a few times to really take in…

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Latex Model Bianca Beauchamp Tries Pick-Up Lines at Comic Con