There’s something about a bitch having two kids that makes her invisible….even if her body is incredible…even if she’s someone who was considered the hottest Mexican to grace shitty movies…that she never got naked in….before doing typical hoodrat Mexican shit like getting herself knocked up to lock in a man…. The only good thing about her, is that she puts all other fat lazy mom’s to shame….cuz they pretend they can’t bounce back from their uterus being used to its full, unfortunate potential… Yeah yeah…I get it…you wish this kind of thing was your wife or what your wife looked like…but what kind of person fantasizes about a wife…that’s way too lonely, sad, hopeless romantic…fantasies should be about hot pussy. You see cuz there are a lot of under 30s out there, pre-baby making, who look better than this without starving themselves and trying so hard to have a second go at a career I suggest we focus on that. But on a positive Not AT LEAST SHE’S NOT Reese Witherspoon who Should Be Banned from Beaches ….Seriously….I know it’s not saying much but REESE WITHERSPOON ON THE BEACH SCARES ME ….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
The rest is here:
Jessica Alba’s in a Bikini and I Don’t Care of the Day