Tag Archives: unclear-if-abc

Happy National Cleavage Day from Kim Kardashian and Kompany!

For 24 hours only, fellas, it’s okay to stare. Jump online. Ogle your co-worker. Take as many peeks as you’d like and just say you’re celebrating. Because it’s National Cleavage Day! No, really, that’s a thing. It originated in 2002 and is sponsored by Wonderbra. “It is a day for women to realize that their cleavage is something unique and that they should be proud of it,” says Anita Meiring, public relations consultant for that company. “It gives women a chance to be beautiful and glow in the furtive, yet appreciative, glances their cleavage evokes from men.” In honor of the occasion, we recognize the very best in Hollywood breasts below. Click away, guys. You’re off the hook today!

Happy National Cleavage Day from Kim Kardashian and Kompany!

Lamar Hurd: The First Black Bachelor?

Lamar Hurd, a Portland sportscaster, is lobbying – and has already garnered great support – to become the first African-American star of ABC’s The Bachelor. According to his professional-looking audition video (below), Lamar’s assistant Tammy first came up with the idea to submit an application on his behalf. “Let’s say I wanted to go on it, and was willing to do it, they haven’t even had a black Bachelor,” Lamar said of his initial resistance to apply. But he did! Lamar Hurd For The Bachelor! If the video tells us anything, it’s that Lamar Hurd is clearly telegenic, comfortable on camera, humble and shirtless a lot. Really, how can he go wrong?! More importantly, he seems charismatic and charming, yet measured. Fun enough to lure viewers in, boring enough to be a non-polarizing blank slate. Plus, the racial element would be one heck of a hook for the new season. Lack of diversity is one of our top five complaints about the show (the other four being overuse of the word “journey”, lame metaphors equating bungee jumping to romance, cringe-worthy grammar, i.e. “Ben and I’s relationship”, and Courtney Robertson ). It’s unclear if ABC would go for a non-white Bachelor , since past runner-ups have been good for ratings, or what the racial makeup of young women would be. And is America even ready for the first minority Bachelor? Given that they’ve already had a cyborg on there twice ( Brad Womack ), we’d say yes. Please. Would you wanna see Lamar Hurd as The Bachelor?

See the article here:
Lamar Hurd: The First Black Bachelor?