Tag Archives: unless-the-sign

Suzanne Somers: I Have Sex Twice a Day!

Suzanne Somers sent an indirect message to Miley Cyrus this week: Think again, youngin! A few days after Miley told Matt Lauer that she’s heard sex stops after one turns 40, Somers appeared on The Talk and shared some very personal information with the hosts. The 66-year old was asked how often she gets it on with her husband of 36 years and replied: “He’s on hormones and I’m on hormones,” adding that the couple has intercourse “a couple times a day.” No, not a week, people. A DAY! The audience erupted with applause at this announcement, to which Somers laughed and said: “I’m going to be sorry I said that. What is it about men at four in the morning? And then I’m really awake around eight or so. We have busy mornings.” Somers was on hand to promote her new book, “I’m Too Young for This!: The Natural Hormone Solution to Enjoy Perimenopause,” and it sounds like she could have offered some advice months ago to Bruce and Kris Jenner . It’s too late now, though.

The rest is here:
Suzanne Somers: I Have Sex Twice a Day!

Domestic Violence Joke on Bar Sign Gets Employee Fired

Minibar, an Austin, Texas drinking establishment, is under fire for a sign outside the door that jokes, “I like my beer like I like my violence: domestic.” After Austin resident Seetha Kulandaisamy shared a picture of the sign on Facebook and Instagram, the image went viral and grabbed national attention. “I walked by the sign on Friday night, and my first response was just anger,” Kulandaisamy said. “I currently am a volunteer at the women’s shelter in Austin.” “My sensitivity is extra high, but I think my reaction would have been the same regardless. Not only was it offensive, but it was also just bad humor.” It’s true. Unless the sign is being ironic and implying it doesn’t like domestic beer (there is a Heineken logo up top), this is just an epic fail all around. Minibar, to its credit, removed the sign the following morning, fired the employee responsible for posting it and issued a public mea culpa for the incident. “Minibar doesn’t condone that sign,” owner Alex Elmiger said . “I give my utmost apology and assure it won’t happen again. As soon as it was brought to my attention, I wanted to do something to rectify the situation.” Best of all, Minibar plans to donate $1 of every domestic beer sold in the month of October to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (above, right). In that sense, the negative attention has been turned into a positive. But really, people. There’s nothing funny about going Chris Brown on someone.

Read the original here:
Domestic Violence Joke on Bar Sign Gets Employee Fired