Tag Archives: unphotoshopped

Lindex Uses Their Own Employees for Underwear Campaign of the DAy

I am a firm supporter of the nude selfie…and girls sending me their own home grown erotica…and with that means I like the unphotoshopped look…and I like seeing bodies that probably would never be models…because the models I see bore the fuck out of me and just aren’t authentic, but rather puppets..being used to sell product…who get paid too much, which feeds their egos and makes them even more annoying to jerk off to…. So this campaign by brand called Lindex …using their staff, who are actually a kind of hot, but not model staff…is awesome and the direction all companies not scared of being sued for sexual harassment should go…because when you ask the secretary to come pose in panties in your office…you’re setting yourself up for a lawsuit…right… The post Lindex Uses Their Own Employees for Underwear Campaign of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindex Uses Their Own Employees for Underwear Campaign of the DAy

Kelly Brook Ass for Reebok of the Day

I don’t know why I’ve bothered with Kelly Brook so much the last few weeks…maybe it has to with her WEARING SEE THROUGH TIGHTS ….. or the fact that her unphotoshopped tits are amazing but her UNPHOTOSHOPPED ASS ISN’T But It probably has to do with this satanic period photoshoot ….. Either way, here she is bending for Reebok.

See the rest here:
Kelly Brook Ass for Reebok of the Day