Tag Archives: used-condoms

Eva Longoria Short Shorts of the Day

Here are some pictures of Eva Longoria taking her skinny legs and Mexican booty in short shorts that don’t look like the average 35 year old mexican legs and booty, possibly cuz she doesn’t have 14 kids and live in a clay hut making corn tortillas…shopping, instead of making beds and cleaning up shit smeared bed sheets, used condoms off the floor and vomit off the ceiling in 3 star hotles like she should be. It’s not racist, I’m mexican. Funny how life just works out for some people..

Here is the original post:
Eva Longoria Short Shorts of the Day

Tara Reid’s Waving to You of the Day

I would like to fuck Tara Reid just to see what my dick would come out lookin’ like. See as a fellow alocoholic I know that hygiene’s not top priority when you’re getting always fuckin’ drunk, so I’m sure she’s got some goodies up in that shit, and I’m always up for a treasure hunt, I mean when they involves searching vagina. I’m thinking that along with used condoms and beer bottlecaps, there’s also miscarriages fused to her uterine wall, a Rolex watch from some fisting episode gone wrong that she forgot even took place when she woke up and the whole experience would be amazing….I guess it’s good to have dreams….otherwise what are we really living for…

Original post:
Tara Reid’s Waving to You of the Day