Tag Archives: used-the-survey

HuffPo Columnist Celebrates ‘Slow, Whining Death’ of Christianity

It’s not often you see an obituary as snarky and bitter as the one written by British columnist Johann Hari announcing what he called the “slow, whining death of British Christianity” in the UK edition of GQ and online at The Huffington Post. Citing an unlinked ICM study, which is not available on the organization’s website, Hari called on reader to “put your hands together and give thanks, for I come bearing Good News. My country,Britain, is now on the most irreligious country on earth.” Hari called Christianity, “superstition,” “weak,” “cruel,” and based on “intimidation.” He predicted that, “As their dusty Churches crumble because nobody wants to go there” and predicted that “the few remaining Christians in Britain will only become more angry and uncomprehending.” While he mentioned Judaism and Islam twice, Hari focused his ridicule on Christianity and the Church of England. He used the survey to call for an end to government support for Anglicanism. Hari reported that 63 percent of British respondents called themselves non-believers, and “only six percent of British people regularly attend religious services.” While religious believers might find such number disheartening, Hari celebrated. “Now, let us stand and sing our new national hymn: Jerusalem was dismantled here / in England’s green and pleasant land.” He concluded by stating he had “a Holy Lamb of God to carve into kebabs – it’s our new national dish. Amen, and hallelujah.” Hari’s snide obituary may be early, however. A  BBC Religion poll  conducted in March 2010 found 64 percent of Brits identify as Christians – 25 percent identified with no religion, and 22 percent said they were Muslim.  Another poll  conducted in 2009 found that 63 percent of respondents agreed with the statement, “Our laws should respect and be influenced by UKreligious values.” Additionally, the annual  British Social Attitudes Report , published in January 2010, found that only 18 percent of Brits said they don’t believe in God, while 18.6 percent were unsure. More than 62 percent expressed some faith in God. Like this article? Sign up for “Culture Links,” CMI’s weekly e-mail newsletter, by   clicking   here.