Tag Archives: uses-twitter

Aubrey O’Day Uses Twitter of the Day

You may not know who Aubrey O’Day is….because she’s pretty much a nobody who may or may not have been on Diddy’s TV show at one point in her attention seeking life….she may also have had sex with Diddy during that show…but really who cares…what matters today is that she uses twitter and she wants you to know she uses twitter by showing pictures of her tits in a bikini top…you know cuz she knows this kind of picture has got people talking, mainly cuzthey are concerned for her clown dog who you know she lets eat out her pussy like all those bitches I’ve been seeing on the internet… …seriously it is a huge – weird – new trend… Either way, here’s her cry for attention cuz it’s half naked – even though it is totally uninteresting…

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Aubrey O’Day Uses Twitter of the Day

Justin Beaver’s 17th Birthday Pussy of the Day

I love how this statutory rapist Selena Gomez is playing coy with the camera. She’s all shy and shit…Playing like “don’t take pictures of me, I’m so shy and secretive about my fake relationship with Justin Beaver”… like we don’t already know dude’s gay, no straightness sings and dances like that, the staight kids are too busy playing sports and not sucking Usher Raymond’s dick and taking him up this ass in exchange for a record deal…seriously…you wanna know why Justin Beaver’s jacket is so shiny? It’s glazed in Usher Raymond semen so Beaver doesn’t forget who he belongs to… This is all marketing, all staged, all scripted and planned for him and the truth will all be told when motherfucker turns 25 and no one remembers who he is, and no one is listening except maybe his drug dealer….cuz “Baby, Baby, Baby” just got commissioned for a cereal commercial and he knows he’ll finally get paid for the shit he’s been fronting…Like the wise mind that is Justin Beaver so appropriately stated, Never Say Never…. Either way, here they are heading home together to have dirty anal sex, cuz she’s a Disney gilr and needs her Hymen and he’s Usher Raymond’s boy and only knows anal…

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Justin Beaver’s 17th Birthday Pussy of the Day

Amanda Seyfried Showing Some Tit for Letterman of the Day

I am a huge fan of Amanda Seyfried …. I will keep endorsing her until she starts doing more mature roles again, cuz more mature roles usually involve her Stripping ….. What I love about her is that she does these fluffy bullshit Disney shit….but balances it out with legit roles where she gets naked…and a willingness to get naked allows me to ignore her laziness for the paparazzi…if anything it makes me like her more cuz it makes me feel like she knows she doesn’t need to get dolled up or in a bikini like a Kardashian clown and people will talk…cuz she is probably the hottest piece in Hollywood…. It’s kinda refreshing….frustrating…but refreshing…cuz if there is one thing I hate…it’s these fame hungry cunts and their tacky fucking behavior… Hollywood needs to be Glammed up again…the trash needs to disappear..I’m starting a campaign…and this bitch is my unofficial spokesperson…too bad she’s so awkward….but still so hot…confusing….

Amanda Seyfried Showing Some Tit for Letterman of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Uses Twitter of the Day

You may not know who Aubrey O’Day is….because she’s pretty much a nobody who may or may not have been on Diddy’s TV show at one point in her attention seeking life….she may also have had sex with Diddy during that show…but really who cares…what matters today is that she uses twitter and she wants you to know she uses twitter by showing pictures of her tits in a bikini top…you know cuz she knows this kind of picture has got people talking, mainly cuzthey are concerned for her clown dog who you know she lets eat out her pussy like all those bitches I’ve been seeing on the internet… …seriously it is a huge – weird – new trend… Either way, here’s her cry for attention cuz it’s half naked – even though it is totally uninteresting…

See the original post here:
Aubrey O’Day Uses Twitter of the Day