Tag Archives: usually-topless

Vita Sidorkina for RUSSH Magazine #69 of the Day

Vita Sidorkina is a Victoria’s Secret model, probably a one timer, like so many of these other whores they use for a minute to test the waters and to see if they have what it takes to be a top tier mall brand promoting whore, usually from another country…(see previous post on Nadine Leopold)…. She’s working the media, she was in LUI Magazine recenlty, where I wrote the same thing about her, because I know nothing about her and I’ve never really heard of her before, so I figure I’ll just repeat what I already said, it’s not like people read this shit anyway… She’s a 22 year old Russian goodness with some fake lookin tits, who moved to NYC at 17 because of a “sponsor”…and she’s on the rise…getting herself out there…or at least letting Victoria’s Secret team that is fully connected and rich enough to buy placement for their models in magazines, usually topless, to get people talking….then for other brands…because with that on their “Property Of VS stamp”…on their inner labia, because VS create and own all their girls…modern day human trafficking…that the girls love because it makes them feel ‘Legit”…and the industry eats it up like they are legit..creating stars…CREATING starts….through nudity… I guess what I am saying is that I like her, but I really like that she’s licking an apple for dinner, what models should be doing…low calorie. Stay skinny… The post Vita Sidorkina for RUSSH Magazine #69 of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
Vita Sidorkina for RUSSH Magazine #69 of the Day

Miranda Kerr Goes Topless for i-D Magazine of the Day

A fashion magazine has pulled through again. This time it was by taking a bikini and lingerie model we’ve all seen half naked many fucking times, and turning her into a common whore by getting her fucking topless to end the cockteasing and give the public what they fucking want, all by pretending it was high fashion and needed for the authenticity of the shot, cuz everyone knows when a bitch hits a field she’s usually topless and running, only usually it’s at night after drinking and she’s running for her life after getting raped, but that’s not high fashion…..but apparently this is and I’d call it a genius move but I don’t really you consider a table of editors saying “we need to sell copies to keep our jobs cuz magazines are dead and we have Miranda Kerr booked for the cover…what should we do?”, cuz getting her topless is pretty fucking straight forward, obvious logic…. Titty Close-Up….

See more here:
Miranda Kerr Goes Topless for i-D Magazine of the Day