Tag Archives: vita sidorkina

Vita Sidorkina Erotica of the Day

Vita Sidorkina is a Russian Model best known for Walking the VS Fashion show, back when that was a thing, before the company collapsed and the owner was implicated as being the number one reason Epstein was as rich as he was, because they both had similar interests…young bitches and what better place to recruit sex working young girls than the USSR…or the Former USSR….Russia motherfuckers…that Iron Curtain acted as a great tactic to rid the world of ugly genes, teach the women about how to prosper on the other side of the Communist wall, and crave that American Dream so bad they’d do anything for it. Russia is responsible for some of the hottest soulless sex workers who pretend to be models out there… Maxim is using her as their girl of the month, for whatever reason, and she looks god, she just hasn’t don anything interesting since 2015, so maybe that’s a sign of where Maxim ranks in terms of relevance… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Vita Sidorkina Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Vita Sidorkina Erotica of the Day

Vita Sidorkina Because She Is Amazing

You want hot! I’ve got hot for you. Russian sensation Vita Sidorkina . I don’t know much about her, but I do know in Russian “Vita” means tug and “Sidorkina” means Kielbasa. Who would name their daughter that? Crazy world we live in.                   Continue reading

Vita Sidorkina Is My Fave

Every year I try to tell Sports Illustrated who should make the cover of their Swimsuit Issue , and every year, they ignore me and get it wrong. This time, I was really pulling for Vita Sidorkina here (get your mind out of the gutter, perverts), and personally, I think it’s pretty obvious why she should’ve been picked. I mean, just look at these pictures! No offense to Kate Upton , but she looks like a sack of potatoes next to Vita. Is it too late to change it? » view all 19 photos

Vita Sidorkina Is My Fave

Maya Stepper Will Blow You Pants Off

I’m still waiting for Maya Stepper to reply to my very romantic proposal from a few weeks ago, but I guess she must not read the site or have a Google Alert for her name, because for some reason, I haven’t gotten a yes yet. On the plus side though, I did manage to find a brand-new set of swimsuit pictures from the blonde hottie, which makes for a pretty great consolation prize in the meantime. Enjoy! » view all 25 photos

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Maya Stepper Will Blow You Pants Off

Vita Sidorkina’s Sexy Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Teaser

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue is coming out soon and every day they have been giving us little teasers. Today, we have Vita Sidorkina who is one of my favorites and probably should be on the cover. However, her popularity is just not there yet, but there is no denying she deserves it. I mean, just watch the video. She will blow your mind. » view all 11 photos                    

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Vita Sidorkina’s Sexy Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Teaser

Vita Sidorkina Picture Moment


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Vita Sidorkina Picture Moment

Vita Sidorkina Will Blow Your Pants Off

Not sure if you guys remember, but for a while there, I was crushing pretty hard on  Vita Sidorkina . Anyway, then we went a few months without any new pictures from the Russian Victoria’s Secret hottie, and I had to move on. But seeing this latest lingerie shoot from Vita is definitely bringing all those old feelings rushing right back to my pants region. What? Were you expecting me to say my heart? Gross. What kind of a sicko do you think I am?

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Vita Sidorkina Will Blow Your Pants Off

Vita Sidorkina for RUSSH Magazine #69 of the Day

Vita Sidorkina is a Victoria’s Secret model, probably a one timer, like so many of these other whores they use for a minute to test the waters and to see if they have what it takes to be a top tier mall brand promoting whore, usually from another country…(see previous post on Nadine Leopold)…. She’s working the media, she was in LUI Magazine recenlty, where I wrote the same thing about her, because I know nothing about her and I’ve never really heard of her before, so I figure I’ll just repeat what I already said, it’s not like people read this shit anyway… She’s a 22 year old Russian goodness with some fake lookin tits, who moved to NYC at 17 because of a “sponsor”…and she’s on the rise…getting herself out there…or at least letting Victoria’s Secret team that is fully connected and rich enough to buy placement for their models in magazines, usually topless, to get people talking….then for other brands…because with that on their “Property Of VS stamp”…on their inner labia, because VS create and own all their girls…modern day human trafficking…that the girls love because it makes them feel ‘Legit”…and the industry eats it up like they are legit..creating stars…CREATING starts….through nudity… I guess what I am saying is that I like her, but I really like that she’s licking an apple for dinner, what models should be doing…low calorie. Stay skinny… The post Vita Sidorkina for RUSSH Magazine #69 of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Vita Sidorkina for RUSSH Magazine #69 of the Day

Vita Sidorkina for TREATS! of the Day

I already posted Vita Sidorkina today, because she’s magical and amazing…from Russia but not in the sex trade..in the Victoria’s Secret trade and this is part of their marketing of her, put her naked in everything, like some kind of pornographers in the panty business, who don’t want anyone to know they are pornographers, because they have stores in malls in Christian America and you know how Christians are about keeping the smut out…they are more into keeping it in the preacher’s office with children hoping…not in PANTIES ADVERTISING AND SELLING…. This is for TREATS!, the hub for sugar daddies to find eligible slutty immigrants to fuck for money and / or the good life…#modeling… The post Vita Sidorkina for TREATS! of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Vita Sidorkina for TREATS! of the Day

Vita Sidorkina Naked Enough for LUI Magazine of the DAy

Vita Sidorkina is not Elsa Hosk…but she is a Victoria’s Secret model, probably a one timer, like so many of these other whores they use for a minute to test the waters and to see if they have what it takes to be a top tier mall brand promoting whore, usually from another country… She’s working the media, she’s a 22 year old Russian goodess with some fake tits, who moved to NYC at 17 because of a “sponsor”…and she’s on the rise…getting herself out there…and it’s all way better than being a cam girl…or hooker…doing the sugar baby thing with a resume that supports or rationalizes this behavior.. Here she is in LUI magazine, pics that have been out for a while, but are new to me, because all this shit is boring.. There’s no difference between this shoot and every single played out instagram shoot, sure the girl has more credibility…because she has a job or brand co-sign, but all these idiots have fake agencies, it’s just all been done and bores me…but still naked enough…and naked is good… The post Vita Sidorkina Naked Enough for LUI Magazine of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Vita Sidorkina Naked Enough for LUI Magazine of the DAy