Tag Archives: values-voter

Pastor Defends Comments Calling Mormonism a ‘Cult’, GOP Candidates Respond


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Robert Jeffress, the pastor who ignited controversy Friday after he said Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney belonged to a “cult” because he is Mormon, defended his comments Sunday and repeated his earlier assertions. Jeffress is a key supporter of GOP contender Rick Perry, and made his remarks to reporters after introducing the Texas governor at the conservative Values Voter Summit in Washington,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 09/10/2011 16:58 Number of articles : 2

Pastor Defends Comments Calling Mormonism a ‘Cult’, GOP Candidates Respond

AFA’s Bryan Fischer condemns gays, Muslims; Mitt Romney condemns Fischer


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The American Family Association’s president, Bryan Fischer, delivered a Values Voter Summit speech rife with rhetoric some have called “unmitigated bigotry” and what presidential hopeful Mitt Romney indirectly called out as “poisonous.” Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Iowa Independent Discovery Date : 08/10/2011 16:45 Number of articles : 2

AFA’s Bryan Fischer condemns gays, Muslims; Mitt Romney condemns Fischer

Video: Florida pastor burns the Koran after all


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I don’t see the point in burning the Koran. I don’t know what the punishment thing is all about that the pastor is referencing. Anyways, there you have it. Values Voter News can be accessed on your mobile phone with ease see Get Values Voter News on your Blackberry, iPhone, Droid or other mobile phones Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Values Voter News Discovery Date : 22/03/2011 22:06 Number of articles : 2

Video: Florida pastor burns the Koran after all

Atheists in America are the most widely mistrusted group

In a recent article published in the American Sociological Review, Penny Edgell, Joseph Gerteis, and Douglas Hartmann reported their findings, on how atheists are perceived, based on data from a national survey. To the question, “This group does not at all agree with my vision of American society,” By far, the most “detested” group were the atheists. To the question, “I would disapprove if my child wanted to marry a member of this group,” Again, the least desired group were the atheists

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Atheists in America are the most widely mistrusted group

Air America: Republican revives racist Obama-as-monkey campaign theme

As the right continues to build the strawman argument that the left considers ANY criticism of President Obama as rooted in racist, reality continues to show that although not all objections are based in race, overt racism does exist in our political discourse. Case in point: At a Values Voter Summit on Friday, Former Minority Whip Roy Blunt told the following story about British soldiers and monkeys to illustrate how Republicans have to deal with the issues the President brings to the table: “Almost from the day the first ball was hit on this golf course something happened they didn't anticipate: monkeys would come running out of the jungle and then grab the golf balls. And if it was in the fairway, they might throw it in the rough

See the original post here:
Air America: Republican revives racist Obama-as-monkey campaign theme

Fox Reporter Heckled

This utterly frightening mumbly dude essentially bullies a Fox reporter off the screen at the Values Voter event. Which, like, when you try to promote an event for crazy people on your news channel, what else did you expect

Fox Reporter Heckled