Tag Archives: crazy-people

Karolina Kurkova and Crystal Renn in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

One of my pet peaves is when people tell me they are crazy, when I know real crazy people don’t know they are crazy, like me for example, I think I’m normal as fuck, but if you ask anyone, they will just tell you I’m crazy….. Crazy is over used, over prescribed, over medicated and just an excuse for sane people to justifyu why they “fucked” up or feel fucked up, you know a lapse in judgement, that also works for the courts to get them less jail time….for a breed of people that just suck…. Real crazy, I’m talking actual instutionalized crazy….is hot….primal fucking instincts….just masturbation all day.. that leads to some of the best sex you can get….scary at times..you know since the people who don’t know what the fuck is going on, or who the fuck they are, or who the fuck you are….especially when you work the institution and are in charge of the straps…on night shift…. That’s why this Karolina Kurkova and Crystal Renn shoot is so hot….how all Victoria’s Secret shoots should be done….

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Karolina Kurkova and Crystal Renn in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

Karolina Kurkova and Crystal Renn in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

One of my pet peaves is when people tell me they are crazy, when I know real crazy people don’t know they are crazy, like me for example, I think I’m normal as fuck, but if you ask anyone, they will just tell you I’m crazy….. Crazy is over used, over prescribed, over medicated and just an excuse for sane people to justifyu why they “fucked” up or feel fucked up, you know a lapse in judgement, that also works for the courts to get them less jail time….for a breed of people that just suck…. Real crazy, I’m talking actual instutionalized crazy….is hot….primal fucking instincts….just masturbation all day.. that leads to some of the best sex you can get….scary at times..you know since the people who don’t know what the fuck is going on, or who the fuck they are, or who the fuck you are….especially when you work the institution and are in charge of the straps…on night shift…. That’s why this Karolina Kurkova and Crystal Renn shoot is so hot….how all Victoria’s Secret shoots should be done….

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Karolina Kurkova and Crystal Renn in a Hot Photoshoot of the Day

Rima Fakih Bikini Inappropriate with her Dad of the Day

Either this bitch was sold off to her neighbor for a couple of goats, or this is her in a bikini with her father acting inappropriate, at least by American Standards, which is funny cuz she’s Miss USA…..and god knows what incest desert muslims are into, breeding like crazy people, building their own rogue army and killing off those who disgrace the family in the eyes of allah and shit, a missing person gone unnoticed by the tribe, cuz no one’s ever seen the bitch’s face, as she’s always been under a sheet and can’t be recognized…. That said…if I was that dude I’d be thinking to myself “this is my kind of father’s day”…..as long as she knows a cock tease must always finish the task at hand….

Continued here:
Rima Fakih Bikini Inappropriate with her Dad of the Day

Fox Reporter Heckled

This utterly frightening mumbly dude essentially bullies a Fox reporter off the screen at the Values Voter event. Which, like, when you try to promote an event for crazy people on your news channel, what else did you expect

Fox Reporter Heckled

Lindsay Lohan Takes Her Pet Monkey on a Walk of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is such a show off. I know there have been rumors of her going broke and not being relelvant or getting work, but if she was so fuckin’ broke, how the fuck could she afford a pet monkey. That’s on some exotic, eccentric pet collector shit that is really only for rich crazy people like Michael Jackson and here she is showin’ it off, just to remind us that she’s better than us.

The rest is here:
Lindsay Lohan Takes Her Pet Monkey on a Walk of the Day