Rima Fakih Bikini Inappropriate with her Dad of the Day

Either this bitch was sold off to her neighbor for a couple of goats, or this is her in a bikini with her father acting inappropriate, at least by American Standards, which is funny cuz she’s Miss USA…..and god knows what incest desert muslims are into, breeding like crazy people, building their own rogue army and killing off those who disgrace the family in the eyes of allah and shit, a missing person gone unnoticed by the tribe, cuz no one’s ever seen the bitch’s face, as she’s always been under a sheet and can’t be recognized…. That said…if I was that dude I’d be thinking to myself “this is my kind of father’s day”…..as long as she knows a cock tease must always finish the task at hand….

Continued here:
Rima Fakih Bikini Inappropriate with her Dad of the Day

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