Tag Archives: vantage-point

Jennifer Aniston Hot Old Body on a Yacht in a Bikini in Some Spy Photos of the Day

Jennifer Aniston was in her a bikini on a yacht, pretty much because she has won at life, taking her moderate looks and decent body, with rockin’ tits to the fucking top by getting cast in some show that made her a fortune when she was pretty much a nobody, leading to her being some spoiled fucking cunt, who gets to live the good life, on yachts with various men, none of whom marry her or knock her up, cuz she’s 45 and it’s too late for that, the uterus has closed up shop, and that’s what you get for being intolerable cunt no one wants to cum inside, cuz it means dealing with her for life….you know all vain and into herself, thinking she was the hottest bitch out there, with Brad Pitt on her arm, only to get a reality check that was Angelina Jolie, leaving her never the same, but still totally fucking irritating…. To See Jennifer Aniston in her Bikini…..From a Creepy Spy Vantage Point…..By Legal Peeping Toms who Always Try to Sue Me….. FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jennifer Aniston Hot Old Body on a Yacht in a Bikini in Some Spy Photos of the Day

Miranda Kerr’s Skinny Body in a Bikini Top of the Day

Here’s some shitty pictures you’d think were taken by a paparazzi in a tree, that remind me of pictures I’ve taken with my camera phone while trying to peep on girls, whether by taking upskirt pics on the bus or in the mall, or more ambitious pics of them changing in their apartments after climbing fire escapes or from hotel rooms across the street from their apartments are after following them home one night and realizing that’s the best vantage point for a peeping tom. What you can see is her part of her skinny little upper body in a bikini top, and in the peeping tom world, that’s considered good enough to get hard over, because nudity is the gold, but all variations of it are still of value….I don’t know what I am talking about, just look at Miranda Kerr.

Miranda Kerr’s Skinny Body in a Bikini Top of the Day

Beyonce Humps the Air in Singapore for F1 of the Day

Singapore, the cleanest city in the world where you get arrested for spitting gum on the street, brought some American trash to perform for their F1 weekend, like Lohan and Ronson, Nicole Scherzinger and Beyonce. I try not to follow Beyonce’s career because I think she’s won the lottery already and refuse to contribute to that shit, fat chicks shouldn’t get this much love it is against natures way, but I do like the vantage point this person shot the video, and the fact that Beyonce humps the air in the midst of her fucking cheesy performance people seem to fucking love… Here she is doing Single Ladies…

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Beyonce Humps the Air in Singapore for F1 of the Day