Tag Archives: video-emerges

When Pigs Fly: Kimmy Cakes Vows To Keep Her Love Life Private And Off Her Reality Shows

Kim Kardashian Says She Won’t Share Love On TV Again Kimmy Cakes fraudulent a$$ is telling tall tales about how the next man to win her heart won’t have to share their love with E! cameras. We’re pretty sure Ryan Seacrest isn’t gonna be having it! Kim Kardashian says she won’t be sharing her love life with the world again on her reality TV shows. “I don’t think I would stop [doing the reality shows] — I love doing it — but I wouldn’t have another relationship shown on the show,” Kardashian says in the May edition of UK Cosmopolitan. “That might be too personal, especially when you’re just meeting someone. It’s taught me to be more private.” Kardashian’s relationship and subsequent break-up with basketballer Kris Humphries played out on “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” and one of it’s spin-offs, “Kourtney and Kim Take New York.” Their wedding was also the subject of an extravagant two-part special on E! But Kardashian says she is not ready to throw herself into any kind of relationship yet. “[I’m] not even close [to dating again]! And it’s just ridiculous when I’m linked to people I’ve never met or heard of … I’ve learned to not care,” she said. Luckily for Kardashian, who divorced Humphries after 72 days, life offers more than one soulmate. “I think you have different soulmates throughout your life; that your soul needs different things at different times,” the 31-year-old said. “I’m sure my soul will meet a mate one day in the future. I do believe in love, I will always believe in love, but my idea has changed from what I’ve always thought … I just don’t believe in one soulmate now.” The full interview appears in the May issue of British Cosmopolitan. Um, Kim… Please have a seat. Source Photo Credit: E! More On Bossip! Itty Bitty Waists: These Ladies’ Cakes Look Even Bigger Because Their Waists Are So Tiny/span> Must Be The Money: The Most Regretful Celebrity Advertisements Of All Time Shady Swirl Hookup Gone Horribly Wrong: Ashton Kutcher Is Beefin’ With RihRih Because She Let The Paps Catch Her Creepin’! Video Emerges Saying Beyonce’s “Blue Ivy Is A Doll And Isn’t Real” And Footage Of Her Being Swarmed By Paps! [Video]

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When Pigs Fly: Kimmy Cakes Vows To Keep Her Love Life Private And Off Her Reality Shows

Texas Miracle: Not A Single Person Died During Yesterday’s Violent Tornado Outbreak

No Casualties From Texas Tornadoes Everyone in Dallas better be thanking their high heavens right now. Tractor-trailers weighing tens of thousands of pounds flew through the air. Roofs were ripped off homes, and other houses were left in complete tatters. Yet no deaths have been reported after devastating tornadoes worked their way through the Dallas-Forth Worth and Arlington areas of Texas. “It looks like the Dallas-Fort Worth area really dodged a bullet,” Dallas Mayor Michael Rawlings told CNN. “I mean we’ve got hundreds and hundreds of homes destroyed but amazingly no fatalities.” Between six and 13 tornadoes may have touched down Tuesday in north Texas, the National Weather Service in Dallas-Fort Worth said. The number is an estimate pending a survey and damage assessment. Rawlings said that as he looked at footage of tractor-trailers tossed about like lightweight toys, he was struck by how lucky it was nobody died. 13 tornadoes and everyone came out without losing a life. We just hope this storm passes the rest of the way with the same results. Source More On Bossip! Itty Bitty Waists: These Ladies’ Cakes Look Even Bigger Because Their Waists Are So Tiny/span> Must Be The Money: The Most Regretful Celebrity Advertisements Of All Time Shady Swirl Hookup Gone Horribly Wrong: Ashton Kutcher Is Beefin’ With RihRih Because She Let The Paps Catch Her Creepin’! Video Emerges Saying Beyonce’s “Blue Ivy Is A Doll And Isn’t Real” And Footage Of Her Being Swarmed By Paps! [Video]

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Texas Miracle: Not A Single Person Died During Yesterday’s Violent Tornado Outbreak

Ho Sit Down: Aubrey Ho’Day Keeps Cryin’ About Arsenio Hall Callin’ Her A Stank A$$ Ho!!!

Aubrey O’Day Upset Over Being Called A Stank Ho By Arsenio Hall On “Celebrity Apprentice” If the shoe fits, wear it girl! Aubrey O’Day is crying a river about getting played out onscreen during a taping of the latest season of “Celebrity Apprentice,” but we’re having a hard time understanding why she’s so offended. According to USWeekly reports : Aubrey O’Day is fired — up! After the pop singer took sole credit for her team’s big win on The Celebrity Apprentice on April 1, Arsenio Hall, 56, lashed out at her. “I guess it’s flattering that I upset him so much,” the singer, 28, tells the new Us Weekly (on stands Friday) of Hall, who later referred to “her stank ass” and told teammates, “I Googled her and a naked picture with a gut popped up…f–k her!” O’Day, who dramatically fled the boardroom after Hall’s rant, adds that the former late-night host is just warming up. “Arsenio gets worse in the next episode, when he calls me a whore,” she reveals. “He doesn’t want strong women to have too much of a voice. Typical in this industry.” We’re pretty sure Arsenio doesn’t have a problem with strong women — just hoes. But hey, she is wasting too much time being upset about this. She should have just called him a down low nut guzzler and kept it movin’. More On Bossip! Itty Bitty Waists: These Ladies’ Cakes Look Even Bigger Because Their Waists Are So Tiny/span> Must Be The Money: The Most Regretful Celebrity Advertisements Of All Time Shady Swirl Hookup Gone Horribly Wrong: Ashton Kutcher Is Beefin’ With RihRih Because She Let The Paps Catch Her Creepin’! Video Emerges Saying Beyonce’s “Blue Ivy Is A Doll And Isn’t Real” And Footage Of Her Being Swarmed By Paps! [Video]

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Ho Sit Down: Aubrey Ho’Day Keeps Cryin’ About Arsenio Hall Callin’ Her A Stank A$$ Ho!!!