Tag Archives: video-posted

Staring at Britney’s Ass and Tits as She Hikes of the Day

I think it’s safe to say that old lady Britney Spears, who is still controlled by her parents because you don’t throw away money like that, especially when you can play the whole “parent who cares”….and in being controlled by her parents she hasn’t gone off and killed herself, but rather got fit and still earns money, does shows, and apparently goes hiking and has fun….allowing us to watch her tits and ass, even though we don’t normally like old ladies, she’s Britney and was the original woman to be K-Fed-ed – so I hold a place for her in my heart…she brings hope and dreams and not just from her “I’m not that innocent” video you’ve jerked off to…because she wasn’t that innocent…which is fun to watch in contrast to what she’s become…a middle aged mom, you’d still fuck….who miraculously has done all this not being able to know how to sing.. A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Aug 13, 2016 at 7:37pm PDT The post Staring at Britney’s Ass and Tits as She Hikes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Staring at Britney’s Ass and Tits as She Hikes of the Day

Countess Vaughn Gets Her Twerk On For You Thirsty Fellas… [Video]

A video posted by COUNTESS VAUGHN (@countessdvaughn) on Aug 11, 2016 at 8:59am PDT Countess is comfortable in her ooooown boooody!

Excerpt from:
Countess Vaughn Gets Her Twerk On For You Thirsty Fellas… [Video]

Young Dro & Joseline Hernandez Coupled Up?

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Could it be? Dro and Joseline a new item? Young Dro and Joseline Hernandez were spotted out on Instagram recently. You know we had to investigate! So Dro posted a video of him body guarding Joseline while she was at the ATM. Fukumean A video posted by Young Dro (@dropolo) on May 26, 2016 at […]

Young Dro & Joseline Hernandez Coupled Up?

Young Dro & Joseline Hernandez Coupled Up?

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Could it be? Dro and Joseline a new item? Young Dro and Joseline Hernandez were spotted out on Instagram recently. You know we had to investigate! So Dro posted a video of him body guarding Joseline while she was at the ATM. Fukumean A video posted by Young Dro (@dropolo) on May 26, 2016 at […]

Young Dro & Joseline Hernandez Coupled Up?

Amy Adams’ Cleavage Show

I’m sure all you nerds out there have been getting psyched for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice for months, but I’ve gotta be honest, I didn’t really pay much attention to it until I saw pictures from the New York premiere. But now I can’t wait! Not because I want to see the movie or anything, but because it means we get a few more chances to see more of Amy Adams on the red carpet. Cute ginger cleavage is my Kryptonite. Photos: WENN.com

Originally posted here:
Amy Adams’ Cleavage Show

Bella Thorne Does Snap Chat Good

If you didn’t start immediately following Bella Thorne on Snapchat after those shots I posted last week , consider this your reminder to get on that ASAP. And yeah, I know it’s tough to keep up with all the different social media sites out there these days, but as long as it involves new ways to creep on pictures of Bella in a bikini, sign me up. I usually don't do upper body..but I was down to do a little back I'm bringing sexy back .. Get it..? I'm working out my back..? Oh ok..was only funny to me I guess #flashbackfriday #workout # #Motivation #springbreak #obsessed #noexcuses #golden #hardworkpaysoff A video posted by BELLA (@bellathorne) on Mar 18, 2016 at 12:34pm PDT

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Bella Thorne Does Snap Chat Good

Awesome Stair Innovation For People In Wheelchairs

This is a great innovation. I just hope they make it affordable for every company to install.

Go here to read the rest:
Awesome Stair Innovation For People In Wheelchairs

Bella Thorne’s Instagram Booty

Forget  Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid , I’ve got a new #1 favorite Instagram model these days: Bella Thorne . Because considering all the hotness she’s been putting up these past couple months, I’m surprised my computer hasn’t melted along with my pants region. Here’s a few of her latest hits for you to enjoy. Just watch out for any overheating. And no, I’m not talking about your laptop… A video posted by BELLA (@bellathorne) on Feb 22, 2016 at 12:45pm PST

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Bella Thorne’s Instagram Booty

Oscar Snubs and Boycotts

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Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith are boycotting the 2016 Academy Awards. Jada announced her boycott via a Facebook video posted today. This isn’t the first time that minorities – both of the Hollywood persuasion and us regular folk – have been up in arms over the lack of diversity in the nominations. This year, […]

Oscar Snubs and Boycotts

Ava Sambora Brings Out the Tits of the Day

18 year old bikini selfie….because magazines and photographers may not care about her…but instagram does…. Ava Sambora is probably a damaged rich kid, who is now 18, so not creepy for you to jerk off to, even if she looks like a 15 year old trying to be slutty for her instagram, in efforts to get famous like a Kardashian… You know that being Richie Sambora’s Bon Jovi daughter with hooker/ model / actor Heather Locklear…the groupie…means she lives the good life, with people not necessarily prepared for the good life, or being parents really, because they never had to grow up as life just fucking happened for them, too into themselves and lazy to really instill good values, but rich enough to give her everything, including but not limited an ego..entitlement and with social media the way it is, a need to have the most damn followers she can…via half naked bikini pics…solid. The post Ava Sambora Brings Out the Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ava Sambora Brings Out the Tits of the Day