Tag Archives: lives-the-good

Ava Sambora Brings Out the Tits of the Day

18 year old bikini selfie….because magazines and photographers may not care about her…but instagram does…. Ava Sambora is probably a damaged rich kid, who is now 18, so not creepy for you to jerk off to, even if she looks like a 15 year old trying to be slutty for her instagram, in efforts to get famous like a Kardashian… You know that being Richie Sambora’s Bon Jovi daughter with hooker/ model / actor Heather Locklear…the groupie…means she lives the good life, with people not necessarily prepared for the good life, or being parents really, because they never had to grow up as life just fucking happened for them, too into themselves and lazy to really instill good values, but rich enough to give her everything, including but not limited an ego..entitlement and with social media the way it is, a need to have the most damn followers she can…via half naked bikini pics…solid. The post Ava Sambora Brings Out the Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ava Sambora Brings Out the Tits of the Day

Miley’s Latest Nipple of the Day

Oh So Scanadlous…and boring… I like how W Magazine is milking this story like it was an impotent man’s prostate in a brothel..you know long and drawn out because it’s the only way the motherfucker can cum…it’s like put on picture out of her nipple everyday until people don’t care…even though people don’t care…because she’s over exposed and not the Miley of the past…but even as an over exposed, boring, not so hot, basic titty bitch…she’s still rich as fuck, successful, has a solid fan base and lives the good life and I’d totally K-fed her, not so much for the good life..but because even when looking like a little boy, she’s more womanly than most of the things I’ve stuck my dick into…not to mention…hanging with Billy Ray’s been a lifelong dream of mine…no way, I’d do it for the good life! Oh – Apparently these nipples are for Vogue Germany – I can’t keep track…

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Miley’s Latest Nipple of the Day

Coco’s Ridiculous Tits Walking the Dog of the Day

Coco is ridiculous….some….mainly me… would call her a stripper clown…a term I use because I can’t think of a better way to describe this kind of novelty act….or novelty toy looking woman…. She has gone from stripper bitch…to stripper looking bitch who hasn’t changed her stripper way…except being more public with it…… She doesn’t need to be a trashy exhibitionist slut…showing off her implants and fat ass for a little attention…she’s got money, she lives the good life……. She just wants to be a trashy exhibitionist slut….she wants to expose herself like the cheap whore she is…and I don’t get it….because all the trashy whores I know do it cuz they have no choice or are lazy….while she does it cuz that’s who she is…it is her calling…her skill….her everything….her talent…all she knows and rich husbands or not…she’s not gonna stop…even if her overweight riduclpus ass and tits probably should…cuz they are just comical….even if I love staring at em cuz they are amazing on all fronts…and backs…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Coco’s Ridiculous Tits Walking the Dog of the Day

Kim Kardashian is an Offensive Vision in White of the Day

Kim Kardashian is the worst. She the person most closest to hell. The only explanation for her success is that she sold her fucking soul to the devil because she has no official talent or reason to be famous, but she’s making 100s of millions of dollars. She’s not even hot, she’s fat, lazy, boring…she’s not good at fucking or interesting to watch , she’s not funny, smart or clever, yet she’s this marketing machine that people pay tons of money to face their brand. The shit makes no sense, kind like this outfit, it’s like she’s some plantation owner’s wife in the deep south in the 1940s, trying to look all euro and glamorous, all Hollywood, when we all know if this was the 1940s, she’d be out back working the fields by sucking off the staff on their day off…until being killed off by the KKK when she got caught….and the only thing glamorous about this trashy cunt is her bank account balance, everything else is bottom feeding scum of a human …. All this to say, she needs to be producing more porn….I’m bored of this twat…they need a death in their family or some shit…. Fat, vile, souless, horrible human…..the jokes on us… GET HER SEX TAPE FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kim Kardashian is an Offensive Vision in White of the Day

Kelly Rowland Bikini In Miami of the Day

Beyonce’s ex-personal assistant/back up vocals and singer from Destiny’s Child, before Beyonce decided it was time to get the glory she deserved by changing the name of the band to Beyonce, making it the Beyonce show for her spoiled, vain, her dad was the manager and they could do whatever they wanted, leaving poor bitches like Kelly Rowland to fend for herself, and here she is out of work, not famous, trying to fend for herself off the millions of money she got paid in Destny’s Child and to fuck off from Destiny’s Child until it’s fiscally time to do a comeback tour cuz they’ll optimize payout…. What I’m saying is that I don’t give a fuck about this girl’s failure, or rejection, or irrelevance, or Beyonce’s rejection of her, cuz she’s got money and lives the good life, in her bikini, all thanks to that Beyonce cunt….and here’s some pics if you’re into it… To See The Rest of the Pics Follow This Link

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Kelly Rowland Bikini In Miami of the Day

Halle Berry’s Mom Liked Black Cock in the 70s of the Day

Halle Berry is a fake black girl…but her mom’s not a fake white woman who takes black cock..or at least took black cock in the wild years of the late 60s and early 70s and the proof is in the Academy award winning daughter’s skin color….and if your one of those guys who likes seeing your wife get slammed by a black dude….you’ll probably like Halle Berry’s mom cuz in the early 70s…she was one of those bitches…which was on the forefront of blacks on blonds porn…like she’s a fucking pioneer in the shit….a revolutionary or something that you know probably was very frowned upon in Ohio back then…only 4 years later she became a single mother statistic like half the fat white women you see at Wal Mart…only she’s not fat…cuz she lives the good life cuz her single parenting of her half black daughters paid off….like Halle was her little tanned lottery ticket….Not that it matters, I just know it’s a fetish to some and I’m bringing it…cuz that’s what I do. Here is some Halle Berry connecting to the black youth, you know cuz she’s marketed as a mentor and inspiration to them, and if they are young enouhg, or feeling down on their luck enough, they believe it…but one day, the hard truth that Halle Berry is white, will come out…and really who cares cuz this girls is luckily in short shorts….and hopefully 18 or older cuz I’d be a pervert for looking at her ass in these short shorts but in my defense….it’s the only hotness in the pics….

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Halle Berry’s Mom Liked Black Cock in the 70s of the Day

Lara Stone in Vogue US of the Day

Lara Stone is a cunt. Long story short, she married some comedian, they had a court order so that their pictures were illegal to publish, I published them and they tried to sue me….so I can’t help but hate her and her gapped tooth face for doing that…But she does have great tits…. She has been in Vogue Topless in Plaster ….she was Naked in Interview ….and now in a bikini for VOGUE US and as much as I hate her in theory, I really don’t give a fuck…. FOLLOW ME

Lara Stone in Vogue US of the Day

Lily Allen Tits in From Riches to Rags of the Day

I make fun of Lily Allen often. I laugh about her abortion she pretended was a miscarriage, and about the miscarriage in the event it wasn’t an abortion, partially because I am a very sick person who finds pregnancy that doesn’t come to fruition on privileged cunts who don’t deserve happiness a lot of funny… She’s on some show no one cares about called From Riches to Rags. She showed her nipple, because she knows it’s the only way people will watch it, because even the title is horse shit, cuz I know she comes from a Rich family who made her career, and without that career, she still lives the good life…it’s almost mocking us actual poor people that she’s even put out smut like this…oh, it’s about her starting a vintage store…that makes sense…she’s still a delusional fucking pig can’t get over the fact Katy Perry and Lady Gaga made her obsolete and sent her back to England on the fat ass she rode in on…or that she pollutes our lives…but not as much as she pollutes her womb with her inability to make babies… That said, here’s her nipple from the show… FOLLOW ME


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Lily Allen Tits in From Riches to Rags of the Day