Tag Archives: video-report

Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)


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Barack Obama takes his shoes off at a visit to a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. (White House) In a shocking interview yesterday on the Sean Hannity Radio Show, author Ed Klein said Barack Obama’s former pastor helped Obama accept Christianity without having to renounce Islam. The Daily Caller reported: Klein also said Wright told him he “made it comfortable” for Obama to accept Christianity without having… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Coast Discovery Date : 15/05/2012 16:49 Number of articles : 2

Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

US to Occupy Persian Gulf? ‘Iran is not a sitting duck!’


Read this article:

US to Occupy Persian Gulf? ‘Iran is not a sitting duck!’ a video report and analysis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwV6p_7BYQI&feature=uploademail Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : palashbiswaslive Discovery Date : 13/01/2012 09:20 Number of articles : 3

US to Occupy Persian Gulf? ‘Iran is not a sitting duck!’

India: No growth without ending hunger? a video report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iBklr5PYtI&feature=uploademail


Read more here:

India: No growth without ending hunger? a video report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iBklr5PYtI&feature=uploademail Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : palashbiswaslive Discovery Date : 11/01/2012 10:49 Number of articles : 3

India: No growth without ending hunger? a video report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iBklr5PYtI&feature=uploademail

Group Gives Afros To Black Barbies For Toy Drive [Video]

We like this idea!: Organizers “naturalize” black barbies’ hair to increase young black girls’ self-esteem. Click Here To See The Full Video Report On 24 Wired TV!

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Group Gives Afros To Black Barbies For Toy Drive [Video]