Tag Archives: warnings-come

Anatomy Of The Plot To Kill The Nation

Every once and a while I find an interesting article on rense's web site, and this one really intrigued me! Most of the stuff his news board carries is quite anti-semetic, but this article will help you tie a few strings together! added by: kennymotown

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Getting Rebranded as Corn Sugar

“The good news: Consumption of high-fructose corn syrup is at a 20-year low. The bad news: The folks who make this insidious sweetener aim to rebrand it to boost sales. High-fructose corn syrup is cheaper than cane sugar and acts as a food preservative, too, so the food industry loves the stuff. But it's been added to so many foods — yogurt, cereal, bread, drinks and even condiments — that researchers have fingered it as a culprit in the obesity epidemic. The Corn Refiners Association has in the past marketed high-fructose corn syrup as natural. Our Bad Medicine columnist Christopher Wanjek argues otherwise: “High-fructose corn syrup could be all-natural if cornstarch happened to fall into a vat of alpha-amylase, soak there for a while, then trickle into another vat of glucoamylase, get strained to remove the Aspergillus fungus likely growing on top, and then find its way into some industrial-grade D-xylose isomerase. This funny coincidence didn't happen in nature until the 1970s in a lab somewhere in Japan.” Now the Corn Refiners Association plans to ask the FDA to allow high-fructose corn syrup to be called simple “corn sugar” instead, AP reports. And already the group is advertising it with that name. The adds also claims there's no difference between corn sugar and cane sugar.” http://www.livescience.com/health/etc/high-fructose-corn-syrup-getting-rebranded… added by: DeliaTheArtist

FDA Barring Food Makers from Advertising Products as GMO-Free

The FDA meanwhile appears to be enforcing a policy of barring food producers from trumpeting that their products don’t contain genetically modified ingredients. According to the Washington Post, the FDA has sent a “flurry of enforcement letters” to companies that have advertised GMO-free products on their labels. The warnings come on top of existing policy not to require food makers to disclose if their products do contain GMOs. Congress member Dennis Kucinich said, “This, to me, raises questions about whose interest the FDA is protecting. They are clearly protecting industry, and not the public.” added by: treewolf39