Tag Archives: watching-babes

Claire Danes Jogs of the Day

There are times when I look at girls jogging, usually in the summer, wearing their skimpy shorts, where I think to myself, if I was more of a pervert I would either film this…and if I was more of a sexual predator, I would throw this in my van and make love to it in my cabin in the woods for the next 14 years, until releasing her back to society- confused….you know because the girls are just that hot.. It’s like I can spend hours in the park…watching babes lap me…and be never the happier… This is not one of those moments… I think Claire Danes, should stick to working out at her home gym…until really getting to a place where the world wants to see her big reveal…it may take years…it may be too late for her…but in her defence…she’s never been hot…she has been skinny…those days may be done…at least that’s what her ass is telling me To See Click Here

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Claire Danes Jogs of the Day

JoJo’s Not so Exciting Workout Pics of the Day

Christmas is over fatty…time to get in shape…or pretend to get in shape cuz that’s everyone’s new year’s resolution and you are typical…you know some thing to disappoint yourself and be let down over….everytime you face that pie you are pretending you can’t eat…only that you take 5 pieces of when you break down and give into your cravings…you weak pathetic person…. You should just give up on me, and focus your energy on watching girls work out instead, cuz fit girls turn me on, especially in their tights, and seeing them sweat just makes me think how could they can fuck without getting wiped out….. So let’s get my new years resolution of watching babes work out more than I did last year started this glorious boxing day – with Jojo…the stupidest name in the game….even if Jojo isn’t exactly what I’d call the fittest ass I’d wanna see squat….but who cares…right?

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JoJo’s Not so Exciting Workout Pics of the Day