Up Against the Wall Video Teaser – watch the full video Wednesday June 20th on VEVO youtube
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New J Rand “Up Against The Wall” Video Teaser [Video]
Up Against the Wall Video Teaser – watch the full video Wednesday June 20th on VEVO youtube
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New J Rand “Up Against The Wall” Video Teaser [Video]
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged 20th-on-vevo, appid, black celebrity gossip, context, Hollywood, match-their, missing, Music Video, music videos, new-music, News, TMZ, video, watch-the-full, wednesday-june
This is the first time I’m writing one of these and it’s 2 Bieber Experiences in 1 so let’s go! It was Saturday June 18th when I saw a sign in Macy’s that said Justin will be there to meet his fans Thursday, June 23 rd , 2011 and all you had to do was buy his whole perfume set and be the first 325 people there and you will get to meet him. When I found out, I told my best friend and we went on Wednesday June 22 nd the day you had to buy the whole perfume set. I didn’t think I was going to make it considering there was many people there already but I did make it, I was number 204 in line! The next day was the day I met Justin. I was so nervous, finally my time had come and Justin was right there, he looked so fake of how perfect he is. I went up to him smiled hugged him, while in the hug he said, “Thanks for everything”, they took our picture and then I hugged him and left. I couldn’t believe it. I just met Justin freaking Bieber, it felt so unreal that I started to cry. The second time I met him it was June 30th. I found out that Justin was in NYC with Selena, my friends had met him the day before I did so I found out where his hotel was and headed over there. I waited for about an hour and since he was taking too long, me and my friends decided to go to Starbucks when we came back. I randomly saw Justin and Selena so me and my friends went up to them. Selena was the one that told Justin to stop for us and when they were together, they both looked so happy. I went up to Justin first and he was so nice he took pictures with all of us fans that were there. When I went up to him I hugged him and my friend then took our picture, then I left and hugged him again. Before he went back to his car I decided to ask him for another hug, he said “SURE!” really loud and he pulled me in for a big hug. I was so happy and oh my I sure do love his hugs. We waited for him again that day but he couldn’t take pics with us anymore since he was late for a show but he said hi to us again. Here is 2 videos I took of Justin and Selena leaving their hotel together ( first video , second video ) All I can say is that I am very lucky and fortunate I thank God every day for these opportunities, if this happened for me this could happen to anyone. Never say never and just have hope and your day will come just like mine did, trust me. -@NYCBieber101 Continued here: This is the first time I’m writing one of these and…
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This is the first time I’m writing one of these and…
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, Music, News
Tagged bennyhollywood, friends-decided, hotel, hugged-him, nyc, picture, Pictures, saturday-june, selena, starbucks, TMZ, wednesday-june, writing-one
On Wednesday June 23, 2010. A magnitude-5.0 earthquake struck at the Ontario-Quebec border region of Canada on Wednesday, shaking homes and businesses from Toronto to the states of New York and Michigan, according to the U.S. The magnitude 5.0 quake – initially reported at 5.5 but later downgraded – hit around 1:41 p.m. today, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Its epicenter was near the border of Quebec and Ontario, about 24 miles from Cumberland, Ontario. The depth was 11.2 miles. Fol
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earthquake in Michigan June 23 2010
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged border, border-region, Breaking News, group, Hollywood, michigan, michigan-june, ontario, quebec, shaking-homes, states, the-states, toronto, wednesday, wednesday-june