Tag Archives: were-traveling

Two Paranoid Weedheads Call 911 And Confess To Transporting 20lbs Of Kush After Imagining Cops Following Them

High, Paranoid Men Call And Confess To Transporting Marijuana Two men got so blasted on some weed they were transporting across state lines that they imagined all the cars around them were actually police in disguise. The two got so stressed out by the situation that they called 911 and turned themselves in — just to get the cops to stop playing mind games with them. Via East Idaho News : Leland Ayala-Doliente, 22, and Holland Sward, 23, were traveling from Las Vegas to Bozeman, Montana, with some 20 pounds of marijuana. Court documents show the men were using marijuana during their trip and when they entered Idaho, they felt they were being followed by undercover police officers. Rexburg Police Cpt. Randy Lewis told EastIdahoNews.com that at the time they weren’t being followed by anyone. Once they reached Rexburg, the pair exited U.S. Highway 20, parked their car and called 911. They said they just wanted the police to stop following them. Clearly there’s a reason the saying “don’t get high on your own supply” exists. YouTube

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Two Paranoid Weedheads Call 911 And Confess To Transporting 20lbs Of Kush After Imagining Cops Following Them

Where Are My Parents?? 1-Year-Old Boy Bitten In Face By Pit Bull While Trying To “Give Him A Hug”

1-Year-Old Bitten In The Face By Pit Bull While Giving Him A Hug via CBS News A pit bull seriously injured a 19-month-old boy in suburban Denver Sunday night when the dog bit the toddler’s face and wouldn’t let go, CBS Denver reports. Witnesses in Commerce City, Colorado said the boy, whose name hasn’t been released, tried to give the dog a hug when it bit and wouldn’t release. The boy was hospitalized with injuries to his face and neck. The dog later died from asphyxiation as a result of the of restraint process. “I have seen dog fights, but I have never seen a dog attack a baby,” a witness told CBS4. “It’s sad, real sad. I just hope the little baby survives.” Police said the boy and his mother were traveling with a group of transients who had parked in an empty lot for the night. The dog’s owner is with the group. Police said they believe the dog was leashed. Pit bulls are illegal in Commerce City.

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Where Are My Parents?? 1-Year-Old Boy Bitten In Face By Pit Bull While Trying To “Give Him A Hug”