Tag Archives: whale-sharks

Gulf oil spill threatens world’s largest fish

Whale sharks, the biggest fish in the sea, may be the latest victims of the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported this week that four of the polka-dotted creatures, stretching about 40 feet long, had been spotted swimming alongside oil in search of food. Since whale sharks are filter feeders — scooping up plankton and small fish with their gaping mouths as they swim just beneath the surface — scientists are concerned they will swallow large amounts of toxic oil and die. “The problem is that these are surface feeding animals and if they digest the oil they will sink and we will not know how many are dying,” said Dr. Eric Hoffmayer, who has studied whales in the northern Gulf for the University of Southern Mississippi. “I don't think there is any question we're going to lose whale sharks to this oil spill. That's why we need to tag these sharks so that we can determine how they are impacted by the oil,” Hoffmayer told Reuters. Hoffmayer spent three days on the Gulf where he and other researchers discovered an extraordinary gathering of more than 100 feeding whale sharks about 90 miles south of Grand Isle, La. The site where they were feeding was about 60 miles west of BP Plc's blown-out Macondo well off the Louisiana coast and the gathering of whale sharks was among the largest seen in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Hoffmayer said. In addition to the danger inherent in swallowing oil, it could cause untold harm to the giant but vulnerable fish when they force the water they feed on, after it is sucked into their mouths, to filter out through their gills. Hoffmayer and a team of marine scientists came up with a plan Thursday to tag the sharks so they can track their movements and hopefully find out if oil is being digested. One of the big problems, he said, is that there is no known way of steering the whale sharks away from oil contaminated areas of the Gulf. Marine scientists in Mississippi are hoping to save other species from the oil, which breached Mississippi's mainland this week for the first time. http://www.canada.com/technology/environment/Gulf spill threatens world largest fish/3236621/story.html http://www.canada.com/technology/environment/3236622.bin?size=620×400 added by: julesrs007

An Open Letter To ‘Iamamiwhoami,’ Whoever You Are

Our writer’s obsession with the viral campaign is getting unhealthy, in Bigger Than the Sound. By James Montgomery A scene from “Iamamiwhoami” Photo: YouTube Dear Macabre and Strangely Masochistic Evil Geniuses Behind the “Iamamiwhoami” Viral Campaign: You’re killing me. Seriously, you are.

Excerpt from:
An Open Letter To ‘Iamamiwhoami,’ Whoever You Are