Tag Archives: while-because

Sara Jean Underwood Is “Working” Hard For Her Money

I haven’t done a post on Sara Jean Underwood in a while because turns out she doesn’t like me very much. I think it has to do with the fact that I find it ridiculous that she has a Patreon page and asks her “fans” to fund her lavish lifestyle in exchange for exclusive content. Now just because I find it ridiculous doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do it either. That is if I was a hot chick who never had to work a day in her life. Remember this. There is no white privilege. There is only hot privilege. And if you’re not hot, better figure a way to make a lot of cash so that you can find a hottie to have your kid to clean up your gene pool. That goes for you ugly chicks too.          

Continued here:
Sara Jean Underwood Is “Working” Hard For Her Money

Emma Roberts’ Hotness Needs Work

I don’t really know why I’m posting pictures of Emma Roberts dressed like this, filler content I guess, she’s not exactly lighting it up with hotness. In fact, I think she’s doing the exact opposite. This outfit looks like something you’d wear to make yourself coffee in the morning while you hope the stranger you met the night before gets the hint to get the hell out. At least she’s giving us a good look at her cleavage… Wait, that’s not happening. I’ve got nothing. more pictures of Emma Roberts here

Kari Byron’s Breasts Are Mythbusting!

Clearly I haven’t watched Mythbusters in a while because I don’t remember this nerds breasts being so nice. Here’s Kari Byron showing off her big guns in some screenshots from the show. Impressive. She’s certainly debunked the theory that nerdy girls aren’t hot. Alright so she’s not all that hot, but she’s got some great breasts on her. That’s something.

Tila Tequila Twitter Ticker: Getting Married, Beaten, Moving to Texas

It was a big weekend for Tila Tequila . The professional Tweeter flew to Australia, performed the most ironic song possible in front of fans (“Like a Virgin”), got engaged, planned a move to Texas and got beat up. Shockingly, one of those statements is actually true. The rest simply comprise Tila’s latest social networking postings. Read, enjoy and shake your head over them below… I promised to “LAY LOW” for a while because I will no longer be “TILA NGUYEN”…..very soon… I shall be A “MRS” …… TO be continued… YES IM STILL PREGNANT! YES I HAVE DECIDED TO MARRY THE FATHER OF MY CHILD! YES I AM STILL TRYING TO ADOPT A BABY FROM RUSSIA! THERE! NITE! PS-YES I AM INDEED CRAZY! Crazy about life and crazy about my future husband and our lil one.

Original post:
Tila Tequila Twitter Ticker: Getting Married, Beaten, Moving to Texas