Tag Archives: while-mourning

Michelle Keegan’s Great Big Tits in a White Bikini of the Day

Michelle Keegan is some young Soap Star from the worst show I was ever forced to watch in the 80s called Cornation Street about some working class ghetto ass nicotine stained neighborhood in the UK…..where I guess she played the 25 year old stripper who escorts on the side…because tits like this need to be put on fucking blast in a big fucking way….and that’s why I want to give her a pat on the back…or on the bum like we were a pro baseball team….only with more penetration…because she’s out there…in a bikini…showing us just how valuable the hormones in the food some sick chemist implemented in the 70s to produce women with tits like this….and I know this pervert and amazing government program is legit…cuz I don’t know any girls under 25 who don’t have a c-cup…. It’s also nice to see her in a white bikini…you know cuz white bikinis get slippery….when wet….and dripping off my fucking face after finding them on the floor of her hotel room I would totally have taken if I was a maintenance man hired to unclog but my life isn’t that significant…luckily we can all have dreams… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Michelle Keegan’s Great Big Tits in a White Bikini of the Day

Irina Shayk’s Alright of the Day

Irina Shayk is pretty much the best body there is…..a Russian unknown model turned SI cover girl in some KGB operation to defend Ronaldo’s homosexuality using her as an amazing front….who also has an amazing back (you see what I did there)….well now she’s getting all kinds of big model jobs like she never had to wait in line for rationed bread….and I’m totally down with staring at her…while mourning the fact that she’s a pornstar that never was….because watching this amazing thing fuck…would probably be glorious to everyone but Ronaldo…who resents her for not having testicles….every night they spend together fronting he’s straight.

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Irina Shayk’s Alright of the Day