Tag Archives: from-the-worst

Robert Pattinson Wants Pre-Nup With FKA Twigs So She Can’t Take His $100 Million Fortune

Robert Pattinson Seeks Pre-Nup For FKA Twigs Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs are set to happily skip down the aisle soon…but not before Robert, worried for his extra-tall stacks of Twilight cash, presents the necessary paperwork to his lady. Via HL : “Robert is putting serious consideration into inserting a prenup agreement in place for his marriage to FKA Twigs. There’s obviously a big difference in the wealth both Robert and FKA Twigs have attained in their careers. Robert wants to be careful, just in case it doesn’t work out. He’s worried about losing his millions should they ever divorce. He just wants to protect himself from the worst case scenario.” Apparently even though Robert is head-over-heels for FKA, he can’t shake the memory of what trampire Kristen Stewart put him through — and his faith in women has been rattled. “After Kristen cheated on him with Rupert, Robert has had his struggles trusting anyone. It really knocked his confidence and it’s also a factor in why he’s thinking about a prenup.” Well, we doubt that in this day and age anyone would take much offense to being asked to sign a prenuptial agreement. Do you think this even stand a chance of putting a damper on these two?

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Robert Pattinson Wants Pre-Nup With FKA Twigs So She Can’t Take His $100 Million Fortune

Audrina Patridge Pants Off for Stndrd Mag of the Day

Remember mentally challenged, retard, Audrina Patridge from the worst MTV had to offer, back when MTV felt the world was filled with mindless retards and shoving this kind of garbage down their throat would shut them up and make them consume products from their advertisers….something that I am sure they still feel, but that luckily Audrina Patridge and her shitty show isn’t a part of, because they are the fucking worst….and despite being the fucking worst, in everything she does and represents, from teenage implants to being a fame whore…she does have a pretty great body when you strip her down and get her posing, even if her face is a little inbred.

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Audrina Patridge Pants Off for Stndrd Mag of the Day

Michelle Keegan’s Great Big Tits in a White Bikini of the Day

Michelle Keegan is some young Soap Star from the worst show I was ever forced to watch in the 80s called Cornation Street about some working class ghetto ass nicotine stained neighborhood in the UK…..where I guess she played the 25 year old stripper who escorts on the side…because tits like this need to be put on fucking blast in a big fucking way….and that’s why I want to give her a pat on the back…or on the bum like we were a pro baseball team….only with more penetration…because she’s out there…in a bikini…showing us just how valuable the hormones in the food some sick chemist implemented in the 70s to produce women with tits like this….and I know this pervert and amazing government program is legit…cuz I don’t know any girls under 25 who don’t have a c-cup…. It’s also nice to see her in a white bikini…you know cuz white bikinis get slippery….when wet….and dripping off my fucking face after finding them on the floor of her hotel room I would totally have taken if I was a maintenance man hired to unclog but my life isn’t that significant…luckily we can all have dreams… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Michelle Keegan’s Great Big Tits in a White Bikini of the Day

SNL Scorecard: Were Three Mark Zuckerbergs a Charm?

A “cocky” Jesse Eisenberg hosted last night’s edition of Saturday Night Live , though his performance was a bit lost in the excitement from the worst kept secret of the week: The actor’s first (OK, maybe second, considering that they most likely caught up during dress rehearsal) face-to-face meeting with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, whom Eisenberg portrayed in The Social Network . But, stunt cameos aside, how did the recent Oscar nominee fare?

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SNL Scorecard: Were Three Mark Zuckerbergs a Charm?

Nestle’s attempt to censor Greenpeace palm oil ad backfires

Video: Nestle's attempt to censor Greenpeace palm oil ad backfires Jeremy Hance – mongabay.com March 19, 2010 In a bold online video, the environmental group Greenpeace cleverly links candy-giant Nestle to oil palm-related deforestation and the deaths of orangutans. Cleary angered over the video, Nestle struck back by having it banned from YouTube and replaced with this statement: “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Soci