Tag Archives: over-the-video

Carly Lauren Really Knows How To Dress

Because I always like to do my part to support charities this time of year (at least, whenever cleavage is involved), here’s former Playboy Playmate Carly Lauren at the BenchWarmer 10th annual Winter Wonderland Toy Drive. And I don’t know about you guys, but these pictures are definitely making me want to get out my checkbook and ask how much. What? It’s for a good cause, right? Photos: WENN.com

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Carly Lauren Really Knows How To Dress

Miss South Africa Rolene Strauss Is Crowned Miss World

I’m always a little skeptical of the results of any beauty pageant that didn’t enlist my services as a guest judge, considering my years of experience judging women based on their looks. But it looks to me like Miss World made the right choice when it came to crowning Miss South Africa Rolene Strauss as this year’s winner. Of course, if they want to be 100% sure, they can always send over the video from the swimsuit competition and I’d be willing to double check for them. » view all 13 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Miss South Africa Rolene Strauss Is Crowned Miss World

The Inevitable: 16 Year-Old-Girl Groped And “Touched” During Beyond Scared Straight [Video]

A teenage girl is claiming that she was groped by an inmate while she and other classmates went on a tour of a prison Tia, whose exact age and last name have not been released, was on a tour of the Metropolitan Detention Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico when an inmate inappropriately touched her. The prison has now released the security footage from the visit but she says that the camera angles don’t show the incident. The security footage of the September tour was obtained by local station KOB and Tia looked over the video, pointing out where she was in the group of students. The students were seen wearing an all-blue uniform provided by the prison in order to help them stand out against the bright orange jumpsuits worn by the inmates. The alleged groping incident- that also included verbal abuse and hitting- took place when the tour group was in an open area where the inmates were able to walk around as well. ‘I feel like they put you in that area so you can’t be caught on camera for anything,’ Tia said. The video camera does not pan down far enough to see the reported assault, showing just the tops of the students heads instead. youtube KOB Continue reading

2-Teens Killed By Male Neighbor For Trying To Extort Him For Gay-Pedo iPhone Footage [Video]

A Colorado man has confessed to shooting and killing two teenage boys who allegedly tried to blackmail him for $20,000 with a video of him asking a boy for sex, according to a police affidavit. The accused murderer is William Otto, 43, of Adams County, Colo., and the victims are Gustavo “Danny” Espinosa-Gamboa, 16, and Jonathan Gonzalez, 15. The boys were last heard from on Friday and when Gonzalez’s sister couldn’t find him, she spoke to some of the boys’ friends who told her that Gustavo and Jonathan had recorded a video on Gustavo’s phone of a man in the neighborhood named “Billy” who Gustavo and his friends frequently visited, the affidavit said. Billy would turn out to be William Otto, according to the police. A friend of the boys told police that Otto was known to allow teenage boys from the neighborhood to come to his house and drink alcoholic beverages, the document states. Gustavo’s friends said that, “the video was of Billy asking Gustavo Espinosa-Gamboa to let Billy perform oral sex on Gustavo Espinosa-Gamboa. The video also showed Billy touching Gustavo Espinosa-Gamboa inappropriately,” the police report states. The boys’ friends said that Gustavo and Jonathan’s plan was to “show the video to Billy and blackmail him for money over the video.” abcnews youtube Continue reading

B.o.B And Taylor Swift Go South For ‘Both Of Us’ Video

Duo spotted on Nashville set of Jake Nava-directed clip, which will debut later this month. By James Dinh B.o.B and Taylor Swift on the set of “Both of Us” Photo: B.o.B and Taylor Swift are an unlikely musical duo, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have anything in common. On Thursday (June 14), Bobby Ray and Swift paid tribute to their country roots on the Nashville video set for their summery sweet duet, “Both of Us.” The Jake Nava-directed clip (Beyonc

Scavengers Perform Series Of Robberies On Drunk Patrons Caught On Tape: Ganked Man’s Rolex And Jordans [Video]

Man Passed Out On Sidewalk Robbed Of Everything in Port Chester, NY That’s nothing… the kicker is, the last man woke up beaten and disoriented… wondered into someones yard and was arrested for trespassing: PORT CHESTER, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — It was a crime caught on tape not once, or twice, but a whole series of thefts as bar patrons decide to strip a passed out man of his belongings rather than send for help. Cops are going over the video to line up suspects, CBS 2′s Lou Young reported Wednesday. The video shows a man out cold, prone on the sidewalk. He could have used a helping hand but all he got was indifference before being physically robbed in full view of security cameras. It’s a sordid scene that includes a woman snatching a chain from around his neck, examining it like a predator fleecing helpless prey. The scene took place on Main Street after midnight, down the street from a bar called La Dolce Vita. Sergio Palacios, 38, is seen staggering from the place and collapses on the sidewalk. Port Chester Police Chief Joseph Krezeminski said he was furious over what the video reveals next. One passer-by even takes his belt. Another removes his shoes in an attempt to see if money is stashed in his socks. Neighbors said it isn’t unusual; just rarely caught on camera. SMH Turn the page to peep the stupidly narrated video.

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Scavengers Perform Series Of Robberies On Drunk Patrons Caught On Tape: Ganked Man’s Rolex And Jordans [Video]

Nestle’s attempt to censor Greenpeace palm oil ad backfires

Video: Nestle's attempt to censor Greenpeace palm oil ad backfires Jeremy Hance – mongabay.com March 19, 2010 In a bold online video, the environmental group Greenpeace cleverly links candy-giant Nestle to oil palm-related deforestation and the deaths of orangutans. Cleary angered over the video, Nestle struck back by having it banned from YouTube and replaced with this statement: “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Soci