Tag Archives: while-zack

Did Superman Returns Disappoint Because It Was Too Female Oriented?

While Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch getting knocked around by critics , it’s as good a time as any to remember that he’s the man responsible for bringing Superman back to the big screen for Warner Bros. The renewed enthusiasm for the Man of Steel here in 2011 has led some to wander back to 2006, and the nearly forgotten about Superman Returns from director Bryan Singer. How come that movie failed to connect with audiences? Singer has an idea.

Originally posted here:
Did Superman Returns Disappoint Because It Was Too Female Oriented?

Did Superman Returns Disappoint Because It Was Too Female Oriented?

While Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch getting knocked around by critics , it’s as good a time as any to remember that he’s the man responsible for bringing Superman back to the big screen for Warner Bros. The renewed enthusiasm for the Man of Steel here in 2011 has led some to wander back to 2006, and the nearly forgotten about Superman Returns from director Bryan Singer. How come that movie failed to connect with audiences? Singer has an idea.

Originally posted here:
Did Superman Returns Disappoint Because It Was Too Female Oriented?