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Sarah Palin-Glen Rice Love Tryst Alleged in New Book

A new tell-all book about former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin claims she had a one-night stand with former NBA star Glen Rice way back in 1987. Is that true? Does it matter? The answer to both is highly debatable. Is this the greatest rumor of all time? To that, we might have to answer yes. At the time, she was single and working at a TV station as a sports reporter; Rice was a college basketball star visiting Alaska for a tournament. Glen Rice scored 18,336 career points and won a title with the ’00 Lakers. If he scored with Sarah Palin, he wins the title of Most Randomly Hysterical One-Night Stand . Factual or not, Palin’s alleged romantic encounter with Rice – some three years younger and then a junior in college – is causing serious, hilarious buzz. Neither could not be reached for comment about the sexy fling, although Rice is said to have confirmed it to author Joe McGinniss. So … yeah. The hookup is said to have occurred after the ’87 Great Alaska Shootout. Glen was playing for the University of Michigan then. Palin apparently covered the event, only to be covered by Rice’s naked body shortly thereafter. Mere months later, in 1988, Palin eloped with high school sweetheart Todd Palin. The two are still married and have five children with strange names. SIDE NOTE: Wonder how Bristol Palin and Kyle Massey feel about this. In addition to the Rice rumor, Joe McGinniss’ highly-anticipated book implies that Palin committed adultery with Brad Hanson , Todd’s business partner. It also says Sarah and Todd both snorted cocaine off an overturned 55-gallon oil drum during a snowmobile trip before she was governor. Awesome.

Originally posted here:
Sarah Palin-Glen Rice Love Tryst Alleged in New Book