Tag Archives: while-officials

Paula Deen Cites Prop 8 Ruling in Seeking Lawsuit Dismissal

Embattled celebrity chef Paula Deen is using an unusual legal argument to hit back at Lisa Jackson, the former employee suing her for discrimination. Deen’s camp cited the Supreme Court’s June 26 decision striking down California’s Prop 8 as a reason a court should dismiss Jackson’s lawsuit. How does that work, you ask? Lisa Jackson filed a federal complaint against Deen and her brother, Bubba Hiers, for subjecting her to racial harassment and a hostile work environment. Among other things, Jackson alleges that Deen made racist remarks about her employees. Paula denies this, but admits using racial slurs in the past. The Food Network decided not to renew her contract as a result of that admission, and a slew of the famed cook’s sponsors dumped her, as well. Now Deen’s legal team is hitting back hard against Jackson, charging in a brief that one of the plaintiff’s core claims against Paula is a complete lie. Specifically, Deen says Jackson’s claim that she was personally offended by Paula’s utterance of racial slurs since she has biracial nieces is untrue. Her lawyers have cited evidence that Jackson’s nieces are actually those of her partner’s, and that the little girls are Hispanic, not African-American. As such, Deen’s attorneys noted the opinion of the Supreme Court and Chief Justice John Roberts on the Hollingsworth vs. Perry Prop 8 case. In order to have standing to sue, a person must prove they have “suffered a concrete and particularized injury that is fairly traceable to the challenged conduct.” “In other words, for a federal court to have authority under the Constitution to settle a dispute, the party before it must seek a remedy for a personal and tangible harm.” In Deen’s view, given that Jackson is white, she doesn’t have standing to bring the case because she herself didn’t suffer personally from race discrimination. She also lied or at least embellished the alleged discrimination. The court has yet to rule in the case, which has already torpedoed Deen’s empire. You can bet she will fight this tooth and nail, then likely countersue.

More here:
Paula Deen Cites Prop 8 Ruling in Seeking Lawsuit Dismissal

Lovelace Trailer and Poster: Steamy or Seedy?

What better way to celebrate the birth of this great nation than with a porn biopic? Well the trailer for one at least.  Lovelace stars Amanda Seyfried as Linda Lovelace, an icon in the world of porn and star of  Deep Throat . Peter Sarsgaard does what Peter Sarsgaard seems to do best by playing her creepy husband.  Lovelace Trailer Lindsay Lohan was originally on board as Linda Lovelace but was replaced by Seyfried. Perhaps it’s time to stop and take a look at your life trajectory if you are replaced in a movie about a porn star. Just a thought. Click through the jump to check out the  Lovelace poster ! I’m not one that would usually think “porn biopic, I need to see that” but this looks really intriguing. It probably worked out for the best that Lohan was bumped for Seyfried because she is much more believable as the seemingly vulnerable and wide-eyed Linda Lovelace.  Add in Hank Azaria, Bobby Cannavalle, and “is that really her?” Sharon Stone, and I’m sold.  Plus Juno Temple who you can see as a sex worker in the   Afternoon Delight trailer as well.

Read the rest here:
Lovelace Trailer and Poster: Steamy or Seedy?

Demi Lovato Loves New Barbie, Realistic Rear End

Demi Lovato may be too old to play with dolls. But she isn’t too old to gush over them. Following a series of Tweets in which Lovato complained to Mattel about the unrealistic dimensions of Barbie and how her slight figure might have a negative effect on young girls, artist Nickolay Lamm has given the icon a makeover . He used CDC measurements of how an average 19-year old woman would look – shorter in stature, with a curvy body and flat feet – and Lovato is a HUGE fan. “That new @barbie’s got BACK!!!!! Hahahaha #bootybootybootyboottrockineverywhere” Lovato Tweeted of the doll, adding that she is “AWESOME.” Demi, of course, has been very open about her history of eating disorders and has been an advocate for young women with self-esteem issues across the board. She recently admitted that she was suicidal at the age of 7 . And now, thanks to Lovato’s efforts, perhaps future 7-year olds will have their confidence restored over the sight of a plumper Barbie doll.

See the article here:
Demi Lovato Loves New Barbie, Realistic Rear End

50 Cent Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges

50 Cent has been arrested and charged with domestic violence as the result of an incident that took place on June 23 in the California condo of his baby mama. According to the Los Angeles City Attorney, police were called to the residence after the unidentified woman locked herself in a bathroom followng an argument with the rapper. Fiddy allegedly kicked both the door down and the victim in the stomach, while officials say he also caused $7,100 in damage by breaking chandeliers and various pieces of furniture. 50 Cent, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, fled the scene before police arrived. He now faces a total of five charges, one count misdemeanor domestic violence and four counts of misdemeanor vandalism. He could face up to five years in jail if convicted across the board and is due in court for a hearing on July 22.

Visit link:
50 Cent Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges

What Are The Best Movies of 2011 So Far?

With the summer behind us and the much-anticipated fall films just around the corner, our friends at Movie Fanatic ask: What are the year’s 10 best right now? The films of fall often take over and dominate year-end lists such as this, so many of the pictures listed below may be absent from the Best of 2011 altogether. But hey, you never know, and some of these were pretty darn good. Do you agree? Check out Movie Fanatic’s 10 best films of 2011 to date and weigh in … Final Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Hanna Beginners The Help Bridesmaids Jane Eyre Midnight in Paris Tie: African Cats and Born to be Wild The Debt Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Super 8 Nodding in approval? Shaking your head in disbelief? Wondering what the heck some of these even are? Head on over to Movie Fanatic and speak your mind!

The rest is here:
What Are The Best Movies of 2011 So Far?

Sarah Palin-Glen Rice Love Tryst Alleged in New Book

A new tell-all book about former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin claims she had a one-night stand with former NBA star Glen Rice way back in 1987. Is that true? Does it matter? The answer to both is highly debatable. Is this the greatest rumor of all time? To that, we might have to answer yes. At the time, she was single and working at a TV station as a sports reporter; Rice was a college basketball star visiting Alaska for a tournament. Glen Rice scored 18,336 career points and won a title with the ’00 Lakers. If he scored with Sarah Palin, he wins the title of Most Randomly Hysterical One-Night Stand . Factual or not, Palin’s alleged romantic encounter with Rice – some three years younger and then a junior in college – is causing serious, hilarious buzz. Neither could not be reached for comment about the sexy fling, although Rice is said to have confirmed it to author Joe McGinniss. So … yeah. The hookup is said to have occurred after the ’87 Great Alaska Shootout. Glen was playing for the University of Michigan then. Palin apparently covered the event, only to be covered by Rice’s naked body shortly thereafter. Mere months later, in 1988, Palin eloped with high school sweetheart Todd Palin. The two are still married and have five children with strange names. SIDE NOTE: Wonder how Bristol Palin and Kyle Massey feel about this. In addition to the Rice rumor, Joe McGinniss’ highly-anticipated book implies that Palin committed adultery with Brad Hanson , Todd’s business partner. It also says Sarah and Todd both snorted cocaine off an overturned 55-gallon oil drum during a snowmobile trip before she was governor. Awesome.

Originally posted here:
Sarah Palin-Glen Rice Love Tryst Alleged in New Book

Casey Anthony Fined Nearly $100K For Lies Resulting in Caylee Search

A judge just ordered Casey Anthony to pay more than $97,000 in costs associated with investigating her daughter’s disappearance back in 2008 – costs that could have been avoided or mitigated were it not for her lies. Judge Belvin Perry issued the ruling today , and while significant, it represents less than one-fifth of the amount that prosecutors sought. Casey Anthony has been ordered to pay the following: $61,505.12 to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement $10,0283.90 to the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation $25,837.96 to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office $50 to the State Attorney’s Office. The costs – $97,676.98 to be precise – were incurred while officials searched for Caylee Marie Anthony, between July 15 and September 29, 2008. Prosecutors sought more than $500,000 in costs from Anthony, who was acquitted of murder but nailed for four counts of lying to law enforcement. Perry’s order requires Anthony to pay costs associated only with counts of which she was convicted, so she’s off the hook in the high-five figures. Not that $97K is chump change, or that this particular chump won’t have issues coming up with it. A judge already declared her indigent in 2010. Maybe Dr. Phil can help with another donation. You know he’d be game if she agreed to sit down for an all-time ratings grab. Wheels are turning …

Go here to read the rest:
Casey Anthony Fined Nearly $100K For Lies Resulting in Caylee Search