Tag Archives: judge-belvin

Casey Anthony Fined Nearly $100K For Lies Resulting in Caylee Search

A judge just ordered Casey Anthony to pay more than $97,000 in costs associated with investigating her daughter’s disappearance back in 2008 – costs that could have been avoided or mitigated were it not for her lies. Judge Belvin Perry issued the ruling today , and while significant, it represents less than one-fifth of the amount that prosecutors sought. Casey Anthony has been ordered to pay the following: $61,505.12 to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement $10,0283.90 to the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation $25,837.96 to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office $50 to the State Attorney’s Office. The costs – $97,676.98 to be precise – were incurred while officials searched for Caylee Marie Anthony, between July 15 and September 29, 2008. Prosecutors sought more than $500,000 in costs from Anthony, who was acquitted of murder but nailed for four counts of lying to law enforcement. Perry’s order requires Anthony to pay costs associated only with counts of which she was convicted, so she’s off the hook in the high-five figures. Not that $97K is chump change, or that this particular chump won’t have issues coming up with it. A judge already declared her indigent in 2010. Maybe Dr. Phil can help with another donation. You know he’d be game if she agreed to sit down for an all-time ratings grab. Wheels are turning …

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Casey Anthony Fined Nearly $100K For Lies Resulting in Caylee Search

THG Caption Contest Winner: Pauly & Britney

In Friday’s THG Caption Contest , we asked you to come up with the best one for this photo of Britney Spears and Pauly D during her concert. Our winner is kellie . Nice work! The winning entry appears below . Honorable mentions go out to Tina , Misty and Anouchka . Thanks to all of you for playing as always, and best of luck in our next contest! “CRABS ARE HEAAAAA!!!”

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THG Caption Contest Winner: Pauly & Britney

Casey Anthony Lawyers Appealing Probation Ruling, Fighting Return to Florida

Casey Anthony’s lawyers are fighting her court-ordered return to Florida . Judge Belvin Perry ruled last week that that Casey must serve out her probation for a check fraud conviction right now, in her native state of Florida. Anthony’s legal team believes she effectively served it while she sat in jail during her murder trial, and appealed the judge’s order for her to return. If they lose the appeal, Casey will have to return to Florida in 11 days. Anthony was given a year’s probation in her 2010 check fraud case, and the judge who sentenced her said in court that the time Casey spent in jail facing murder charges would not count toward completing probation. However, the order the judge signed mistakenly allowed Casey’s probation to run concurrently with her time behind bars. Thus the confusion. The judge ruled Friday that the error was just that – an error. Perry said it wouldn’t make sense to allow Casey to get credit for the time she was in jail, as the point of probation is to test how a person behaves in the real world, not locked up with few opportunities to get into trouble. Nevertheless, her attorneys are appealing Friday’s ruling. If they win, it would mean Casey would get a huge break, as her probation would already be considered complete because of a technical error. As a contingency, Casey’s lawyers say if they lose their appeal, they want her to be allowed to serve her probation in a state other than Florida. They believe that as America’s Most Hated Person , it would be both expensive and dangerous for Anthony, who has been in hiding (in Ohio, among possible other locations) since her release, to come back to Orlando.

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Casey Anthony Lawyers Appealing Probation Ruling, Fighting Return to Florida

Judge to Casey Anthony: Get Back to Florida!

Wherever Casey Anthony is hiding, she’s got two weeks to come out. America’s most hated person has just been ordered by a judge to return to her native Orlando, Fla., to begin probation in her check fraud case. Judge Belvin Perry ruled that Casey Anthony must return by August 26 to serve one year of probation, but her address may remain confidential. Last year, Casey admitted to fraudulently using others’ checks to buy clothes and groceries in the month after daughter Caylee disappeared. Her lawyers previously argued that it is too dangerous for her to return to the area and that she had completed the probation while in jail. Judge Perry apparently didn’t buy either defense argument. Anthony, 25, was acquitted of murder July 5. While she was convicted on four counts of lying to police, she had spent nearly 1,000 days in custody by that point, so she was released July 17 and immediately went into hiding. Somehow we don’t expect people in Orlando will be thrilled to have the accused child killer back. The weather may be warm, but her welcome will not be. A Caylee Anthony birthday memorial was held on what would have been the little girl’s sixth birthday Wednesday. Casey’s parents attended. Casey did not. She was last seen in Ohio last week. No clue where she is now, or when she will return to the Sunshine State, but she’s gotta do it, or else. How would you have ruled in the Casey Anthony case?

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Judge to Casey Anthony: Get Back to Florida!

Casey Anthony Sentenced to Four Years in Prison, May Be a Free Woman Soon

Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder earlier this week, but was sentenced to a year in prison today for making false statements to investigators. Her lies to police during the investigation of the death of her daughter Caylee came early and often following the toddler’s 2008 disappearance. The Casey Anthony jurors believed that, despite her lies about what happened to Caylee, there wasn’t sufficient evidence that she killed her daughter. However, Anthony was convicted of fours separate counts of lying to authorities – fabrications that sparked a massive manhunt for her missing child. Casey Anthony was also hit with $4,000 in fines. The charges each carried a maximum of a year in prison, and Judge Belvin Perry gave her four years . However, she’s already served most of that. In custody since 2008, Casey may be released from jail in late July or early August based on time served and good behavior while incarcerated. The exact date of her release is still TBD. Anthony’s defense argued that the four misdemeanors occurred during one day of questioning and therefore should be counted as a single crime. To punish her on four counts would violate double jeopardy rules, the defense said, but Perry was unmoved and Casey was jailed – for now. “As a result of those four distinct lies, law enforcement expended time, energy and manpower looking for young Caylee Marie Anthony,” he said. Nevertheless, while she’ll be working on her new advice book from a cell for the time being, it won’t be long until the 25-year-old walks free. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Casey Anthony Sentenced to Four Years in Prison, May Be a Free Woman Soon

Casey Anthony Leave Jail

Casey Anthony, 25, will learn her fate from Judge Belvin Perry at her sentencing on Thursday. She will have already spent 997 days in the Orange County, Fla., jail, and her time served could be put towards her sentence, along with probation. What#39;s next for Casey Anthony? After her stunning acquittal Tuesday of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, the Florida mom faces four years in prison on a lesser conviction of lying to police. “I would be surprised if she doesn#39;t walk out of t

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Casey Anthony Leave Jail

Will Blake Lively Really Sue Over Photo Scandal?

Two weeks ago, a Blake Lively nude photo scandal hit the web, as hackers released an array of nude shots allegedly of the Gossip Girl actress. Lively’s rep, while denying the photos are of the star, threatened legal action against websites that published them. But can she even do that? She sure can – irrespective of whether the pics are her or not, in fact – for invasion of privacy, negligent infliction of emotional distress, etc. Whether she will is a different matter entirely. Lively’s reps were quick to cry foul, claiming the pictures were not her, and publicly threatening legal action against any outlet who published them. But so far, only one site (Perez Hilton) says it has been approached by Lively’s legal team, and the snapshots remain published on numerous sites. Perez indicated that he removed the first set of photos per an attorney’s request, but a second set of photos released by the hacker remain online. Gawker, Mr. Skin, Egotastic and Barstool Sports, among other websites, have posted both sets of images and proudly display them to this day. So is she serious about suing or not? “If she doesn’t sue at all, the photos will stay put on the various websites, unless, that is, the owners of those sites develop a conscience and agree to requests to remove them,” a defense attorney told Fox News . “Believe it or not that can work, though Blake shouldn’t hold her breath.” Despite the controversy, the 23-year-old – who has also made headlines recently with her new romance with Oscar-nominated actor Leonardo DiCaprio – hasn’t shied away from plugging her upcoming superhero flick, Green Lantern . And getting a lot more publicity because of the rumors. Just saying. What do you think? Are the photos actually of Blake?

Will Blake Lively Really Sue Over Photo Scandal?

Casey Anthony Motion to Dismiss Case: Denied!

After the prosecution rested in the Casey Anthony trial, the judge denied the defense’s motion for acquittal on the Florida woman’s murder charge. Judge Belvin Perry said the state presented “substantial, competent evidence” that Anthony’s daughter Caylee was slain and she was responsible. The defense now must proceed with its case on Thursday. Anthony faces three charges, including first-degree premeditated murder. She had no reaction in the Orlando court when the motion was denied. Her attorney, Cheney Mason, had argued that prosecutors failed to present evidence that a murder had even occurred, premeditated or otherwise. “There has been no evidence of premeditation,” the lawyer said . “There has been a stacking of inferences. A stacking of speculation. No evidence.” “There is no evidence to suggest when she died, where she died, how she died, who if anyone was in attendance with her when she died.” The state, he added, established only that “the child is dead.” In denying the motion to toss the case, the judge begged to differ and concluded there is compelling evidence Caylee Anthony was murdered . Her mother, while innocent until proven guilty, is on trial for a reason. Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick argues that Caylee Anthony died as a result of “three pieces of duct tape applied to her nose and mouth, as a result of poisoning by chloroform [and] as a result of a combination of the two.” Gruesome stuff to say the least.

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Casey Anthony Motion to Dismiss Case: Denied!

Alec Baldwin Blames Anthony Weiner Scandal on… Technology?

Alec Baldwin has an interesting, even somewhat sympathetic, take on the Anthony Weiner scandal, which reached new, disgusting heights this week upon the release of the Congressman’s bare penis pic . In a piece for The Huffington Post , Baldwin delved into the way technology has shaped human behavior and wrote : “For high functioning men like Weiner and other officials who have lived through such scandals, who are constantly on the go, that leaves one tried and true source of a reliable high. The affirmation that comes when someone lets you know they want to sleep with you. Or even cyber-sleep with you.” Smart phones and social networks have opened the door for busy individuals to receive the kind of gratification they aren’t receiving at home, Baldwin argues: “Appointment sex with your spouse doesn’t always arrive when you need it most. A modern cell phone, loaded with contacts of willing fellow players, has a table with a red checkered table cloth ready for you at virtually any time.” Baldwin doesn’t go so far as to absolve Weiner of his wrongdoing, but he does paint the politician as a “modern human being” who gave in to the temptation right at his fingertips. Literally. “We tell ourselves that these devices help us communicate more effectively,” the actor wrote. “What they actually do is allow us to bypass the person lying right next to us, across the room from us or at an airport heading home to us, in order to meet our immediate, even inconvenient, needs. To bypass their moods, their current view of us and their own desires, or lack thereof.” In this case, that would be Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin. She’s pregnant with the couple’s first child . “I’m sad for him, his family, his district and his colleagues,” Baldwin concluded. What do you think of the 30 Rock star’s take? It’s a nuanced point of view, one that appears to let Weiner off the hook, but is actually meant to touch upon larger societal issues and how technology can play a negative role in our lives. Friends say Baldwin is considering a run for New York City Mayor in 2013. [Photos: WENN.com]

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Alec Baldwin Blames Anthony Weiner Scandal on… Technology?

Gruesome Evidence Makes Casey Anthony Sick

Casey Anthony abruptly left the courtroom during her murder trial with an undisclosed sickness after seeing graphic photos of her slain daughter’s remains. Whatever the reason, that was the end of the trial for the day. ” Miss Anthony is ill . We’re recessing for the day,” Judge Belvin Perry said. “Neither the state nor the defense has any comment regarding her illness.” The early end to the court session in the Orlando murder trial came after a day of graphic testimony and grisly photographs of Caylee’s remains. Discovered in December 2008, two-year-old Caylee had disappeared five months earlier. Casey Anthony is accused of murdering the toddler. When testimony with the Orange County Chief Deputy Medical Examiner, Dr. Gary Utz, began after s lunch break, Anthony looked weak and pale. Then, after the break, she looked like she was going to be sick. She couldn’t even stand up as the jury left the courtroom. She was escorted out. Utz testified that duct tape was wrapped around Caylee’s skull so tightly that it held her lower jaw in place even amid severe decomposition. He called this highly unusual. “Pieces of silver or gray-colored duct tape [were] over the jaw,” he said. “I’ve never seen a case where the mandible was found with the skull.” Photos of Caylee’s body were shown to the jury.. Earlier in the week, prosecutors say Anthony searched for chloroform and neck breaking online. The defense claims Caylee died of an accidental drowning , a shocking claim they made in opening arguments. How would that exonerate Casey? Casey was in denial due to psychological scars from being sexually abused by her own father when she was a child, her attorneys claim. [Photo: Fox News]

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Gruesome Evidence Makes Casey Anthony Sick