Tag Archives: words-or-beat

Audi Super Bowl Ad Pushes for Progess, Wage Equality

Audi drove directly into the world of politics on Sunday night. Just like the controversial 84 Lumber ad that has left viewers talking, Audi used its time during Super Bowl LI to make a very clear statement. And that statement centered very clearly on the issue of gender and wage equality. There was no subtlety here, either. While other ads (such as this Budweiser immigration commercial ) tip-toed around sensitive subjects a little bit, Audi did not mince words or beat around any bushes. “What do I tell my daughter?” a man wonders while watching his daughter compete in a downhill derby race, adding: “Do I tell her that her grandpa is worth more than her grandma? That her dad is worth more than her mom? “Do I tell her that despite her education, her drive, her skills, her intelligence, she will automatically be valued as less than every man she ever meets?” After she wins the competition, he muses: “Or maybe I’ll be able to tell her something different.” Elizabeth Banks and Octavia Spencer were among those who reacted to the sentimental ad on social media. To wit: Where do you stand on this sort of Super Bowl commercial? Did you stand up and cheer when you watched? Or roll your eyes over a car company exploiting a legitimately important topic just to sell a few more cars. View the ad below:

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Audi Super Bowl Ad Pushes for Progess, Wage Equality