Tag Archives: words-or-duck

Uptown Funk Sung By the Movies: Don’t Believe It, Just WATCH!

Unless you just emerged from a shack in the woods where you've been hard at work on your 10,000-page anti-government manifesto, you've probably heard Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars hit “Uptown Funk.” It's that rare ear worm that we don't mind when it gets stuck in our heads, and the web has paid fitting tribute to the soulful modern classic on several occasions. There were the Texas high school students whose rendition made Mars cry. We got to hear Barack Obama sing “Uptown” in his presidential monotone. And, of course, because this is the Internet we're talking about a kitten rocked out to the song and turned out to be pure viral gold. But while all of those homages were impressive, it's possible that none of them required the patience and dedication as Uptown Funk Sung By the Movies. YouTuber DonDraperSaysWhat claims the video features 250 movie clips and took more than three months to make. Check it out and see how many separate flicks you can spot. You'll definitely never hear the chorus the same after seeing Christopher Walken's take on the word “watch.”

Originally posted here:
Uptown Funk Sung By the Movies: Don’t Believe It, Just WATCH!

Amy Schumer on Mass Shootings: Enough is Enough!

Amy Schumer has said she thinks about the two movie goers who died in Louisiana while watching her film, Trainwreck , on a daily basis. And now she's trying to do something that ensures no one will ever need to think about victims such as this ever again. Together with New York Senator Chuck Schumer, the comedian held a press conference on Monday that unveiled a three-part plan aimed at making it more difficult for violent criminals and the mentally ill to obtain guns. “We're here today to say enough is enough to mass shootings,” Schumer told reporters. According to The Associated Press, the proposed legislation would create financial rewards for states that submit all required records to the background check system. In turn, states that do not take this step would be face a punishment. The plan also calls on Congress to preserve mental-health funding and substance-abuse programs. On July 23, two were left dead and nine injured after a gunman opened fire during a screening of Trainwreck .

See original here:
Amy Schumer on Mass Shootings: Enough is Enough!

Farrah Abraham Defends $600 Tooth Fairy Gift: Loosing [Sic] Your Teeth = COLLEGE FUND!

Never one to mince words or duck criticism, Farrah Abraham is defending her recent decision to give her daughter $600 from the tooth fairy . Her response to the haters is pure, uncut Farrah. The Teen Mom star says of her generous gift: “Loosing [sic] your teeth should be special, I like to add passion and something special to everything including loosing [sigh, sic] teeth.” “These years are flying bye [sic] and soon $600 won’t be surprising to my daughter and the tooth fairy will just be imaginary and made up.” “So $600 for one tooth is a great addition to her college fund and let’s [SIC] her have a big surprise when she woke up that morning.” “You’re only a kid once! I look forward to surprising my daughter and cherishing our special moments as she grows up into an adult.” Well, there you go. At least she’s honest. Yes, the years fly bye (sorry) and we never want to loose (sorry again) our innocent children to the inevitable adolescent and teen years. And while her desire to ” add passion and something special ” does not necessarily have to mean money, her heart is (probably) in the right place. Moreover, if that money really going toward Sophia’s college fund … we have no clue why she took out $100 bills first, but more power to her. However … does she really think Sophia will soon (or ever) hit a point where getting $600 for doing absolutely nothing wouldn’t be a surprise? If so, well, that’s Farrah Abraham for you.

The rest is here:
Farrah Abraham Defends $600 Tooth Fairy Gift: Loosing [Sic] Your Teeth = COLLEGE FUND!