Tag Archives: works-endlessly

Eva Longoria Bikini Pictures of the Day

Here’s Eva Longoria’s Mexican whore ass in a bikini hanging out with some new cock she’s been fucking because that’s what Mexican whore ass does…it fucks…cuz they don’t know what else to do with themselves as using that whore pussy was what made them all this money and gave them all this fame they didn’t have before….the same money and fame so many whores wish for…making this whore pussy the cream of the whore pussy crop….a whore pussy so commited to whoring the pussy that people in other countries care to notice her whore pussy ass in a bikini…..So stupidss…

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Eva Longoria Bikini Pictures of the Day

Ginger Spice Water Ski Bikini of the Day

Here’s some hot mom fit body being all active and shit cuz being married to a lazy slob who is at the point in her fat life that walking to the bathroom is too much of a work-out and 80 percent of the time, she just shits herself, some of the most vile shit you can imagine, or that you’d expect from a woman with the eating habits it takes to get to her stature…. Ginger spice is all water skiing, one of my earliest memories of seeing a pussy during sport when I was down in some resort town one summer when my mother was prostituting to some guy with a family villa down there….all pubic hair and ass thanks to the pull of the boat and the wind on her twat making this, like all pictures – porn to me…

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Ginger Spice Water Ski Bikini of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch in a Bikini of the Day

She’s lucky she has a decent body that she works endlessly on maintaining at the gym cuz her face is fucking disgusting. It’s the kind of face they model to make halloween masks and I’m not just saying that to be funny, or mean, I’m saying it because I’m looking at this nose jobbed nose that still looks capable of supporting the nose needs of at least one other person, like some kind of siamese twin connected at the nose, cuz it’s just that much nose…that luckily makes for a good distraction of her fucked up mouth, weak chin, wonky eyes, and pretty much everything about her…. But people will still talk about her, partially cuz disney made her hang with the gay Zac Efron to stir up shit with the kiddie pornographer Vanessa Hudgens, for the media, cuz Hollywood is all a lie….a lie that has even put blinders over the eyes of kids who grew up on this bitch who actually think she’s hot…the only good news is that if she’s made it, with the right team, anyone can…cuz clearly looks don’t matter…when the world is filled with retards who just consume all that is fed to them….bullshit…lies….

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Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch in a Bikini of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch in a Bikini of the Day

She’s lucky she has a decent body that she works endlessly on maintaining at the gym cuz her face is fucking disgusting. It’s the kind of face they model to make halloween masks and I’m not just saying that to be funny, or mean, I’m saying it because I’m looking at this nose jobbed nose that still looks capable of supporting the nose needs of at least one other person, like some kind of siamese twin connected at the nose, cuz it’s just that much nose…that luckily makes for a good distraction of her fucked up mouth, weak chin, wonky eyes, and pretty much everything about her…. But people will still talk about her, partially cuz disney made her hang with the gay Zac Efron to stir up shit with the kiddie pornographer Vanessa Hudgens, for the media, cuz Hollywood is all a lie….a lie that has even put blinders over the eyes of kids who grew up on this bitch who actually think she’s hot…the only good news is that if she’s made it, with the right team, anyone can…cuz clearly looks don’t matter…when the world is filled with retards who just consume all that is fed to them….bullshit…lies….

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Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch in a Bikini of the Day