Tag Archives: worth-fighting

Alicia Silverstone Nude For PETA

Out of all the charities out there, the only one that I think’s actually worth a damn is PETA. Not because I agree that fur is murder or that animal cruelty is the #1 biggest cause worth fighting or anything. But because, unlike all those other so-called charities, PETA actually provides an important public service: getting hot celebrities to go fully naked for their ad campaigns. So here’s Alicia Silverstone doing her part for the animals. Especially trouser snakes. Enjoy. Continue reading

Michael Ealy’s ‘Common Law’ To Premiere In January [TRAILER]

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Ladies, one of the men of your dreams will be coming to television every week. Michael Ealy stars in the USA network cop drama, “Common Law,” alongside Warren Kole. The two play police detectives who are on the verge of being thrown off the force. The only way to keep their jobs is to go to couples counseling. Yes, you read correctly. They must attend couples counseling. The series premiere is scheduled for January 26th. We already know the females will be tuning in. What about the guys? Will you be watching “Common Law?” To help make a decision, peep the trailer. Does the show look promising? Spotted at BlackThespian . RELATED POSTS: Top Ten DVD’s Worth Fighting Over Taraji P. Henson & Michael Ealy Star in Steve Harvey’s “Act Like A Woman, Think Like A Man” Watch Tyler Perry’s “For Colored Girls” Trailer [VIDEO]

Michael Ealy’s ‘Common Law’ To Premiere In January [TRAILER]

The Colbert Report

Hey everyone! What a crazy four weeks. I love hearing from so many of you via Twitter and I appreciate the kind words of encouragement everyone keeps sending to the site. They all mean so much to me especially while traveling which is all I seem to ever do these days. I had a great time on The Colbert Report last night (picture from their green room is to the right). I was super nervous because I wasn’t quite sure how Stephen’s “character” would behave, but it turned out to be both exhillerating and fun. I even got some shout outs to CC Skye and my friend Val from California. Special thanks to Stephen and his entire staff. They really made me feel so welcome and I appreciate everything they did. I’m always a little surprised to see what the media (and the blogosphere) latch onto after I write an article for The Daily Beast or make an appearance on a show like Colbert. Of course, the current frenzy seems to be all over my “pro-sex” comments a few weeks ago on the Beast. Obviously, the most sensational part of anything is what sells, But I am very happy that these things always bring new viewers and readers into what I’m working on. That’s evidenced by the feedback I get. I’m always encouraged by the positive comments from so many about changing what it means to be a Republican by simply speaking out. Some of you know it can be tough because there’s lots of people who are ready to criticize that message, but I know anything worth fighting for isn’t easy. Thanks always for your support. I’ll be finally getting settled in New York City over the next few weeks and will have more interesting things to report on. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday weekend and hooray for summer! Love, Meghan Song of the Day: “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin

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The Colbert Report