Tag Archives: worth-living

Courtney Stodden Titty Flash at Disney of the Day

Seeing her plastic / jacked up face trying to emote – is hilarious… The wind when she already looks like she’s in a wind tunnel – is hilarious… Courtney Stodden is no joke though, I mean maybe she is…but I like it… I like that she’s porning up the most magical place on earth, because that’s what Trash does – and a world without TRASH is a world not worth living in.. She’s a big titty monster no one cares about – but I love it…I think it’s everything and more…and most importantly, I’m just glad she’s not at COACHELLA> .. TO SEE ALL THE WHORES AT COACHELLA CHECK THIS MASSIVE ROUND-UP BY CLICKING HERE The post Courtney Stodden Titty Flash at Disney of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Courtney Stodden Titty Flash at Disney of the Day

Courtney Stodden Titty Flash at Disney of the Day

Seeing her plastic / jacked up face trying to emote – is hilarious… The wind when she already looks like she’s in a wind tunnel – is hilarious… Courtney Stodden is no joke though, I mean maybe she is…but I like it… I like that she’s porning up the most magical place on earth, because that’s what Trash does – and a world without TRASH is a world not worth living in.. She’s a big titty monster no one cares about – but I love it…I think it’s everything and more…and most importantly, I’m just glad she’s not at COACHELLA> .. TO SEE ALL THE WHORES AT COACHELLA CHECK THIS MASSIVE ROUND-UP BY CLICKING HERE The post Courtney Stodden Titty Flash at Disney of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Courtney Stodden Titty Flash at Disney of the Day

Izabel Goulart in the Making of her GQ Brasil Photoshoot of the Day

I posted Izaebel Goulart GQ pics last week. I thought it was for Mexico and mocked the likelihood of there being much of an office or people working there…you know cuz Mexicans are lazy and would have no budget for photoshoots or even camera equipment……but apparently, it is for GQ Brasil, which would make sense, since it is where she lives and more importantly, where she is celebrated as a big star who made it in America….and thank god for that…because a life without pics of her posing like this is a life not worth living….I mean semi-retired, old tired models doing sexy shit….even if we’ve SEEN IZABEL GOULART LIKE THIS MANY TIMES BEFORE including some pics WITH NIPPLE but I’ll take these pics anyway…

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Izabel Goulart in the Making of her GQ Brasil Photoshoot of the Day

Paz dela Huerta Erotic, Smoking, Pregnant, Fat Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Paz dela Huerta is my dream girl…a crackhead hipster chick in the New York scene who no one really knows or gets because she’s just so high fashion and obscure….you know unshowered, dirty, cunty, and lookin like she’s been fucked so hard…so many times….and that is amazing… Sure she’s seen better days…I guess being kicked off Boardwalk Empire…her one gig she ever landed….and that her fall off..I guess to some…. But to me…this pregnant and smoking look not only works for her…but more importantly…is incredible and it works for me…not just cuz I love pregnant chicks who smoke…it is a fetish..and the only way I like pregnant girls…but cuz it reminds me how badly I want to taste the many flavors of Paz’s vagina….ghetto, grimy, trashy and insane….rub that grease all over my face baby..that’s all both of us need…. Seriously…this shit made life worth living today…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Paz dela Huerta Erotic, Smoking, Pregnant, Fat Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Amazing Crazy Cat Lady of the Day

I just saw this on Facebook…and had no choice but to post it cuz shit is so fucking ridiculous…you know an interview you’d think the news wouldn’t have gone through with…because of her fucking eyebrows….that shit should probably be institutionalized….but at the same time…I give serious thanks that she exists…cuz life without people like this…is a life not worth living…

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Amazing Crazy Cat Lady of the Day

Miley Cyrus See Through Bra for the Internet of the Day

Miley Cyrus is the fucking best and I don’t fucking know why…she looks like a muppet with a below average face but the fact that she’s rich, skinny, and dresses like a teenage dream, totally overpowers all that is wrong about her, from her cunt behavior, to her crooked inbred eyes….I just hope she’s tricking teens everywhere to be more like her…cuz life without a new generation of sluts is a life I am not sure is worth living…

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Miley Cyrus See Through Bra for the Internet of the Day

Emmanuelle Chriqui Possible Nipple of The Borgias of the Day

Here’s a good little Canadian Moroccan Jewish girl making it big in Hollywood by having Sex Scenes in some shit called the Brogias…She’s showing some nipple apparently, but you have to be a serious virgin loser nerd with no sex but a lot of fantasy sex for Emmanuelle Chriqui to get off to this kind of thing…and lucky for you, I’m posting it…


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Emmanuelle Chriqui Possible Nipple of The Borgias of the Day

Some Cable TV Nudity of the Day

I love cable TV not because I own a TV or ever really watch any of these shows…but because there is nudity…and for as long as I can remember….that is something I thought that would make all TV better…from Oprah to the Golden Girls….Roseanne to Grace Underfire….CNN to the Food Network….cuz tits….make life a better one worth living…. Here’s some recent nudity from Boardwalk Empire and Hung…. Kristen Sieh Titties Get Murdered from Boardwalk Empire Eileen Grubba with some tit and some other bitch named Georgia Hatzis


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Some Cable TV Nudity of the Day