Tag Archives: worthless-site

The Amazing Spider-Man Spins Web of Holiday Cash at Box Office

Fireworks – the one that didn’t fail miserably at least – weren’t the only things that exploded on July 4. The Amazing Spider-Man spun out $23.4 million yesterday alone, combing with Tuesday’s total for an overall box office haul so far of $59.3 million. It’s on track to gross over $125 million in its first six days of release. The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Where does this figure rank in history? Yesterday’s tally goes down as the second-best showing ever on the Fourth of July, trailing only the original Transformers , which banked $29.1 million on the same Wednesday in 2007. With mostly positive reviews and a very favorable CineScore from fans, it’s pretty clear that The Amazing Spider-Man will turn Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone into official Hollywood A-listers.

The Amazing Spider-Man Spins Web of Holiday Cash at Box Office

Kate Upton Too Fat, Loser Website Claims

Kate Upton has gained a massive following due to her sexy curves, but surprisingly, her famous figure has landed her a number of harsh critics as well. Modeling’s newest “it” girl is a frequent punching bag of the website SkinnyGossip (dot) com, which has been linked to promoting anorexia in the past. We thought people liked curvy models in general, but this worthless site features a list of “Starving Tip[s] of the Day” aimed at impressionable girls. No wonder Kate Upton has become its mortal enemy. SkinnyGossip refers to Kate with terms such as “thick,” “lardy,” “squishy brick,” “pregnant,” “well-marbled” and even “cannibal” (for her Carl’s Jr. ad). An anti-Upton post on the site reads: “Is this what American women are ‘striving’ for? The lazy, lardy look? Have we really gotten so fat in this country that Kate is the best we can aim for?” Victoria’s Secret casting director Sophia Neophitou also had some harsh words for the model and her voluptuousness, telling the New York Times: “We would never use her. She’s like a Page 3 girl . She’s like a footballer’s wife, with the too-blond hair and that kind of face that anyone with enough money can buy.” Fortunately, this awfulness hasn’t seemed to faze the 20-year-old … or millions of male admirers salivating over Kate Upton photos of her Cat Daddy video . What do you think of Kate Upton’s body?

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Kate Upton Too Fat, Loser Website Claims