Tag Archives: thought-people

Will You Be Watching? Grown Up Tia And Tamera Plan To Reboot “Sister Sister”

  Are You Interested In A ‘Sister Sister’ Reboot? Tia Mowry tells Nylon magazine in a recent interview that she has been anxiously looking for a crew to take on the series that shot her and her twin sister Tamera to fame.”Sister Sister” has been off the air since May of 1999, but Tia knows it would make for an interesting reboot. Tia says the original scripts were based on the sisters lives in the interview. She says writers would ask them about how their teenage lives were going at the time and turned those real life situations into scripts. Using the same formula she’s sure the series could be a hit. Tia tells Nylon magazine: “We’re looking, right now, for a producer and a writer, someone who can kind of be a leader of the pack in regards to running the show,” she says. “I thought people would kind of be jumping on it, but it’s a lot harder than my sister and I thought it would be. Everything in my career has always been a challenge.” Any takers??? Who would like to see this happen?

Original post:
Will You Be Watching? Grown Up Tia And Tamera Plan To Reboot “Sister Sister”

Group Starts Religion Based On Kanye West


Just when you thought people couldn’t get any crazier about celebrities, this happens. A fundamentalist group has started a religion based on Kanye West. It’s…

Group Starts Religion Based On Kanye West

Kate Upton Too Fat, Loser Website Claims

Kate Upton has gained a massive following due to her sexy curves, but surprisingly, her famous figure has landed her a number of harsh critics as well. Modeling’s newest “it” girl is a frequent punching bag of the website SkinnyGossip (dot) com, which has been linked to promoting anorexia in the past. We thought people liked curvy models in general, but this worthless site features a list of “Starving Tip[s] of the Day” aimed at impressionable girls. No wonder Kate Upton has become its mortal enemy. SkinnyGossip refers to Kate with terms such as “thick,” “lardy,” “squishy brick,” “pregnant,” “well-marbled” and even “cannibal” (for her Carl’s Jr. ad). An anti-Upton post on the site reads: “Is this what American women are ‘striving’ for? The lazy, lardy look? Have we really gotten so fat in this country that Kate is the best we can aim for?” Victoria’s Secret casting director Sophia Neophitou also had some harsh words for the model and her voluptuousness, telling the New York Times: “We would never use her. She’s like a Page 3 girl . She’s like a footballer’s wife, with the too-blond hair and that kind of face that anyone with enough money can buy.” Fortunately, this awfulness hasn’t seemed to faze the 20-year-old … or millions of male admirers salivating over Kate Upton photos of her Cat Daddy video . What do you think of Kate Upton’s body?

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Kate Upton Too Fat, Loser Website Claims

Josie Goldberg is Fat in Her Bikini of the Day

Her name is Josie Goldberg, she’s some Playboy model. She look more like a farm animal and here she is disgusting in a bikini… By the looks of it, someone’s eating her fat feelings….and I am pretty glad she is cuz no self respect has lead to a pretty amazing photoshoot of a bitch who posed naked in the past who has turned into this. Maybe the emotional issues that made her start eating are the same that got her to pose naked…repressing daddy’s fingers insider her or some shit, but I’m not too concerned about some low level Anna Nicole Smith aspiring garbage…I’m too busy sizing her fat ass up…. I can’t imagine these being staged, but they look like they are, and I am sure insanity has created far worst things that this shit, like the fact that the bitch got herself in a bikini to begin with, but more importantly that she thought people wanted to see it….but I guess that’s her way of being the next Anna Nicole Smith cuz Playboy needs a new overeating retard bitch who people once found worth lookin’ at naked….I mean no one really needs that…but I’m doing my best here, I’m still drunk from the Holidays… This is just wild to me…disgusting and wild…straight out of the barn wild but I have a feeling a lot of you are gonna be down with this, cuz where you are from this is considered skinny or at least curvy in a good way….while all I see is a buffet owner crying as she walks through the doors of his cuz bitches like this are the ones they hope never come… ….God Bless America. Happy New Year. Fat bitches always make me hungry and I’m married one….making me a fat bitch…but at least I’m not doing whatever this bitch is doing to herself…cuz it’s just a disaster…Enjoy. Here’s round two – cuz I guess she didnt’ feel showing off her gutter body in one bathing suit was humilating enough or abusive enough to everyone who was forced to see it…

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Josie Goldberg is Fat in Her Bikini of the Day

Naomi Campbell’s Ironic T-Shirt of the Day

I don’t really know what the fuck I was thinking when I pulled these pictures. I don’t know if it was that I thought people like this ex-Supermodel from the 90s with the darkest skin who they’ve all probably seen naked, but are wondering what she was up to yesterday…..or if I thought her ironic t-shirt that has lingerie silk-screened on the shit…like a Venice Beach bikini body…was stupid enough for me to point out….or maybe I just felt like aging model legs was what we all needed this afternoon….I just know that I’m posting them and I sure as hell hope you’re not jerking off to them…cuz I have no idea what kind of fetish this would fall under…Is it lingerie printed on t-shirt fetish, an ex model fetish, an aging leg fetish…or not quite a fetish at all….wow…this post made me want to nap..

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Naomi Campbell’s Ironic T-Shirt of the Day

Pam Anderson’s Old Fake Tits Giving Envelopes Hep C of the Day

I thought people who protested Peta were supposed to “rather go nude than wear fur” or get body painted like animals and thrown into cages. The kind of thing where everyone who got the press release got all excited cuz it sounds hot in theory and makes it out to see the shit go down, only to realize the only people who get nude for fur, or who get body painted for the ethical treatment of animals are fucking bull dykes, with beer belly’s and shitty tits thanks to the hormones they’ve been taking to become a dude. You know the same bitches who spell “Women” with a “Y” so it reads “Womyn” and they can say shit like “Taking the men out of the womyn” cuz they are fucking dykes and that’s what dykes do…. Here is Pam Anderson supporting animal rights, even though her original fake tits were tested on animals before allowed in humans, and somewhere out there is a cat with DDs they don’t want you to know about, and she’s doing it by giving envelopes her hepatitis while fully clothed in some really horrible unsexy outfit, pretty much making this campaign obsolete. The whole idea of getting Pam Anderson on board is so she walks around in a one-piece, not so that she dresses like your grandmother going to bed, even though she’s almost old enough to be a grandmother….and the real question is who really fucking cares….I’m thinking no one…. Pics via Bauer

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Pam Anderson’s Old Fake Tits Giving Envelopes Hep C of the Day