Before you ask, no, I don’t know what Kristen Stewart is doing on the cover of some Croatian fashion mag. (That’s right, I actually did 30 seconds of research. My mom would be proud.) But I do know that for a while there, Kristen was actually looking kind of hot , and then she went and chopped off all her hair. And now that she’s got a dude buzz cut, I think we can safely go back to ignoring her again. Too bad. She had so much some potential.
According to my sources, Variety did some story on Chloe Grace Moretz being the next big thing in Hollywood or whatever. But forget her movies. They forgot to include the most important part of Chloe’s rise to fame: her Instagram bikini pictures . AKA the one thing people might actually pay to see. But luckily, I didn’t, and I’ve got a bonus Insta-pic for you guys below. See? Now that’s real journalism. Feel free to send my Pulitzer care of my mom’s basement.
Rosie Huntington-Whitely is in a pretty conservative shoot for Glamour UK, from Erotic photographer David Bellemere, who has gone from taking pics of nude girls, to being the next Terry Richardson, pretty much attached to every single corporate campaign, published in every single magazine, which all pretty much happened this past year, who knows why…but I guess shooting nude models puts you on the radar and it made it happen for him or some shit… Well, this isn’t about him, or these boring none nude pics of Rosie Huntington-Whitely, they are about Rosie Huntington-Whitely and her bitchy looking, high maintenance, rich and snobby face and more importantly tits, because they may be too good for me in real life, but in picture I can fuck their asses in my imagination as much as I fucking I don’t win…never do…and even when I do win 2 dollars in scratchies, it doesn’t make up for losing at everything else…ya know.. The post Rosie Hungtington-Whitely for Glamour UK of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
People tend to forget about the attacks on France, because as terrifying as they are, in the grand scheme of the world, they aren’t thanksgiving… So to celebrate France and to remind you of a great city, with a very sexy sexy yet snobby well dressed gang of girls, here’s Adèle Exarchopoulos, who was in a French movie, with another french actor, doing some lesbian shit, with Lea Seydowx, because that’s what French cinema is…magical… Well now she’s in the worst music video of all time, showing her tits, with in France is wearing a shirt, but to me is still tits…so tits… WORST SONG EVER!!! The post Adèle Exarchopoulos Topless for Some Music Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Maria Menounos has consistently been an attention whore, and the funny thing is that it has barely worked out for her. She got confused that dudes forced to watch Extra or whatever show she was on that I assume trailer park, middle of the road people watch…actually had some level of sustainability, so she quit the job she got…and tried to do a reality show…and none of it really went anywhere…leaving her thinking “But I’m hot”…well, she’s also old…and missed the window of really being the next Kardashian…so confusing people loving her ass…on blogs no one cares about…for having star power…is a fucking joke…but seeing her pull down her shirt, to show her tits, like the classy girl you’d imagine she was, is pretty fucking funny… It’s like “look at my tits, people like tits, I am more than just an ass fucked Greek in the lowest form of Hollywood”…I am Tits! The post Maria Menounos Showing Cleavage on Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Despite everything we’ve heard about Kylie Jenner being the next Katy Perry , the 17-year-old Instagram star is not yet famous for her singing. Even so, Kylie stole the spotlight at tonight’s American Music Awards: Kylie Jenner: AMAs Photos 1. Kylie Jenner: AMAs Red Carpet Kylie rocks the red carpet at the American Music Awards. She’s not a musician, but the girl knows style. For once, the attention wasn’t on Kylie’s lips (although her pout was as suspiciously plump as ever). Instead, the youngest Jenner sister managed to upstage her older siblings with a low-cut gown, some turquoise extensions, and a diamond-studded grill on her teeth. We’ve known for some time that Kylie doesn’t shy away from center stage, but the girl proved herself as the LeBron of the red carpet tonight by outshining Kendall Jenner, Khloe Kardashian…and all the hottest stars in music. Of course the whole thing begs the question – Is Kylie growing up too fast? Kylie’s dating Tyga – the controversial rapper who turned 25 last week – and some fans are concerned that the high school-age reality star is far too anxious to reach adulthood. Some blame Kylie’s mom, Kris Jenner, while others feel that Kylie’s premature maturity is a natural consequence of growing up in front of a camera crew. Whatever the case, Kylie might have just outdone her sisters in terms of red carpet swag. No small feat in a family that’s known for outrageous publicity stunts . 25 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner 1. Kylie Jenner Cleavage Pic Kylie Jenner squats and shows off her cleavage in this photo. NOTE: She is 16 years old.
Jennette McCurdy is not hot. I don’t care how many bikini or lingerie stunts she does. I don’t care how big her bra cup size is. I don’t care how many creepy dads jerk off to her because they are forced to watch her stupid show thanks to their kids….and Americans love Jailbait, or the girls who play Jailbait…because it’s illegal and the second you put rules around anything, it makes creepers want it more… She’s working it hard, for instagram, for the paparazzi, for anyone who will notice, it’s just too bad she’s got a mangled handicap lookin’ face… TO SEE MORE PICS OF CLICK HERE
Brooke Burke Chavet has gone from bikini wearing host of Wild On…to fitness mom with a lifestyle brand other moms who I guess used to watch Wild On, back when they were party sluts, with dreams of being the next Tara Reid, on some perpetual spring break, before turning 25, getting knocked up and fat, with memories of all the gang bangs that happened, before they traded in the bikini for the suburban home…and apparently they go to Brooke Burke, the hustler who turned being a cheesy raging party slut with fake tits and a hot body, into a lifestyle brand thanks to the tabloids, dancing with the stars, and what some would call bottom feeding, but what her bank account calls genius… I am no a fan of party girls, or people who get paid to pretend to be party girls, pulling their life together and figuring it all out, I prefer them being at dive bars, drinking their sorrows, remembering the glory days, not by choice, but because of the infected herpes scab…. To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE
Fashion is some clowning shit, especially when fashion does some “high concept” bullshit, that isn’t high concept at all, but that all the idiots with no vision think is high concept, and beautiful imagery, because they are try hard retards who will consume any crap someone shits out and calls art or fashion…since it adds some flavor to their miserable existance..but I think it is funny, even if I prefer my art to be way more high concept like spread vagina, with midgets, homeless men and snowmans being built….you know if we are gonna be clowns about shit, let’s a least go big and be fun about it….not that Jennifer Lawrence hiding her tits to pose with birds isn’t fun…it just doesn’t make sense in its weirdness kinda like how it didn’t make sense that she was Academy Award nominated at 12 and instead of being the next great American Actress, she became the next franchise queen Kristen Stewart….kids these days have their morals all fucked up
So South African’s don’t appreciate my love for Candice Swanepoels hot fit body, especially when I express that love at the expense of South Africa….focusing on their AIDS rate….cuz I got this email: Love your site but as a South African I have to ask you to stop disrespecting Candice. Every second post is about her which is fine but then we have to hear the same old shit again and again, HIV this HIV that, its getting old bro. Everyone knows you’re an obese American fuck chowing on his McD’s and masturbating on his keyboard, now that’s generalization for you. Go read a fucking encyclopedia before you open your fat lips again. Now, I realize that there are rich people in South Africa, that it is a developed nation, with a strong Diamond and Coal industry. I know that South Africa is filled with hot women who are all capable of being the next Candice Swanepoel, I know there is rich tourism, that Richard Branson has his hand in it, that there are Jews running shit….But that’s not as fun as focusing on the High AIDS rate that I’d love to lick of Candice Swanepoel’s inner thigh while one of her slaves wipes the sweat off my brow before being chased by fucking lions into a tribal hut made of feces….where cannibals try to attack us and rape her…because that’s the South Africa in my head and I like it better than real South Africa….