Tag Archives: lose-interest

Natalie Gal Is Red Hot

I don’t think I’ve ever done a post on this Natalie Gal hottie before, but according to my sources, she’s a Russian model/actress who was a runner-up on America’s Next Top Model and, uh… that’s as far as I got. Sorry, I lose interest whenever my research turns up actual facts instead of bikini pictures. Anyway, here she is at a screening of some painfully boring-sounding movie called Field of Lost Shoes , and even though Natalie’s kind of got a crazy eyes thing going, who cares? She’s still smoking hot. And that’s more than enough to hold my interest for the next 30 seconds. Maybe even 45 if I go for a new personal best. Photos: WENN.com

Originally posted here:
Natalie Gal Is Red Hot

Candice Swanepoel Hot for Twitter of the Day

So South African’s don’t appreciate my love for Candice Swanepoels hot fit body, especially when I express that love at the expense of South Africa….focusing on their AIDS rate….cuz I got this email: Love your site but as a South African I have to ask you to stop disrespecting Candice. Every second post is about her which is fine but then we have to hear the same old shit again and again, HIV this HIV that, its getting old bro. Everyone knows you’re an obese American fuck chowing on his McD’s and masturbating on his keyboard, now that’s generalization for you. Go read a fucking encyclopedia before you open your fat lips again. Now, I realize that there are rich people in South Africa, that it is a developed nation, with a strong Diamond and Coal industry. I know that South Africa is filled with hot women who are all capable of being the next Candice Swanepoel, I know there is rich tourism, that Richard Branson has his hand in it, that there are Jews running shit….But that’s not as fun as focusing on the High AIDS rate that I’d love to lick of Candice Swanepoel’s inner thigh while one of her slaves wipes the sweat off my brow before being chased by fucking lions into a tribal hut made of feces….where cannibals try to attack us and rape her…because that’s the South Africa in my head and I like it better than real South Africa….

Here is the original post:
Candice Swanepoel Hot for Twitter of the Day

Octomom’s Stripper Pics of the Day

Octomom pisses me off. Sure I am into single mothers who are forced to strip to support her kids, I just hate when they pretend they aren’t whores when they are doing it. You know she could have shot porn and made millions when Oprah was begging to interview her, but she thought being at the top would never end, but everything ends, especially when your claim to fame is having a clown circus of a vagina, because people lose interest and you have to pay bills, and I guess I should embrace that everything has come full circle, and she’s whoring out like she was destined to do, and get over my hatred for those few years she pretended she wasn’t a whores, cuz lets face it, old and scary and big vaginaed or not, bitch is getting naked for dollars….and I’d make it hail on this ho….with pennies…

Read more:
Octomom’s Stripper Pics of the Day

Carrie Underwood’s Hot Legs In Short Shorts

Now that Carrie Underwood is married to that hockey douche, I thought I would completely lose interest in her, but I like hockey and I like hot chicks in short shorts even more so here she is showing off her wedding ring hot legs in a sweet pair of cut offs at the airport the other day. I don’t know, she looks like she could be a security threat, we should probably get her into that machine that can see through clothing…. Just in case.