Tag Archives: writes-letter

Burps, Farts, Horse Poo And “Diyareeya”: Blogger Mom Shares “Precious” 8-Year-Old Son’s Letters From Camp

Oh the isht kids say! Boy Writes Letter From Camp Full Of Stories About Farts, Burps & Poop Our friends at Guyism posted this amazing letter from a kid who finally wrote his mom back after she started sending him daily letters. Liesl Testwuide took to ScaryMommy.com to reveal the gross but revealing letter-writing exchange between her and her son after he left home for camp for the first time. Here’s part of her blog, via MSN : Last year, my eight year-old son went to summer camp. It was the first time he had been away from home for more than a night. An hour after I dropped him off, I missed him. By the time I went to bed, I found myself wandering into his bedroom, just to feel close to him. As the days passed, I wrote to him daily. Each hour dragged as I’d wait for the mailman, hoping for just one letter from him. By that point I missed him so much, I began to imagine what he might write. As you’ve probably already guessed by our title the letter she received was nothing like what she imagined. YIKES! Think the push pops had anything to do with his runs??? Hit the flip for the rest Shutterstock

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Burps, Farts, Horse Poo And “Diyareeya”: Blogger Mom Shares “Precious” 8-Year-Old Son’s Letters From Camp