Tag Archives: wrote-inspiring

Tara Reid’s Shitty Honeymoon Pics of the Day

Tara Reid’s shitty Honeymoon Pics with her Weird Looking, Likely Gay, Husband she’s probably paying were posted to twitter by what I can only assume was her publicist because Tara Reid definitely still has a staff behind her that needs to get paid and what better way to get work or at least money than to remind us assholes that she exists…I mean if I was a drunken party slut who was running out of American Pie money, I’d pretend to get married too…shit doesn’t fuck with a schedule like trying to hang on with Dancing with the Stars… She/ her publicist wrote inspiring messages like “Happiness”, “Peace”, “Bulgaria we Love You”….insane… She’s still hot…damaged…pushing 40 and still down to party hard in luxury cuz she was famous once…and as far as I’m concerned…that’s perfection…

Tara Reid’s Shitty Honeymoon Pics of the Day