Latest ‘Idol’ castoff hopes to mine a ‘really long journal entry’ she wrote for new material. By Jim Cantiello Didi Benami Photo: MTV News Didi Benami’s final week on “American Idol” was a bumpy one, what with her tepidly received “What Becomes of the Brokenhearted,” an awkward interaction with Ryan Seacrest during which the host clutched on to her hand and begged her to open up about her deceased friend to 30 million viewers and, of course, her somewhat-shocking elimination Wednesday night, making her the third female singer in a row forced to take a bow. It was a roller-coaster ride , for sure, but also the perfect fodder for a killer song. “That was a crazy experience to say the least,” Benami recently told MTV News. “I wrote the day I got kicked off, actually. I was sitting up in the holding room and … I had this really weird feeling like I knew I was going to be in the bottom three … and I wrote this really long journal entry. … That day is going to turn into something. There’s a lot there.” Before heading out on the American Idols Live! Tour with the rest of the season-nine top 10 this summer, Benami plans to team up with some of her old L.A. songwriter buddies, Kyler England and the “whimsically fantastic” Jason Reeves (who has co-written with Colbie Caillat and Kara DioGuardi). While “Idol” doesn’t allow original songs to be performed by contestants, fans recently got a taste of Didi’s songwriting chops when an old track, “Sweet Rain,” found its way online. “That was a song that I did awhile ago when I was still trying to figure out where I was going [musically],” Didi sighed, before adding, “I have some really, really great songs that I can’t wait to get out, that are way better than ‘Sweet Rain.’ ” Are you excited to hear Didi’s post-“Idol” music? Let us know in the comments! Get your “Idol” fix on MTV News’ “American Idol” page , where you’ll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. Related Photos ‘American Idol’ Season Nine Performances
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Didi Benami Plans Songs About ‘Crazy Experience’ Of ‘American Idol’