Tag Archives: brokenhearted

Remembering Victims Of Florida Shooting From A Momma’s Perspective

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As a parent, we don’t ever think that we will or should have to bury our children.  It is heartbreaking and horrifying to think that children have and could experience an event like what we’ve seen happen at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and many other schools, way too often.  But we live in a fallen world and evil is at work. There has to be some action as well. We have to ask God for direction and follow through with what He instructs us to do.  We can start by doing research on those we’re voting for, vote for those who have the best interest of all people in mind, and don’t be afraid to speak up. We are our children’s biggest advocates. Let’s continue to pray for everyone affected by the horrible event at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, our leaders, our country, and our world.  We pray and ask God to protect our children and families everyday but God did not promise that we would not suffer loss or have trouble in this world. (John 16:33) He promised to be with us to comfort us. Remember, God is still in full control and one day He will bring an end to all evil.  In the meantime, we have to put our faith and trust in Him, seek His will, and show others His love, especially our children and families. “ The  Lord  is close to the brokenhearted  and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  Psalm 34:18 Remembering……. Scott Beigel, 35 Alyssa Alhadeff, 14 Martin Duque Anguiano, 14 Nicholas Dworet, 17 Aaron Feis, 37 Jaime Guttenberg, 14 Christopher Hixon, 49 Luke Hoyer, 15 Cara Loughran, 14 Gina Montalto, 14 Joaquin Oliver, 17 Alaina Petty, 14 Meadow Pollack, 18 Helena Ramsay, 17 Alex Schachter, 14 Carmen Schentrup, 16 Peter Wang, 15

Remembering Victims Of Florida Shooting From A Momma’s Perspective

Anna Duggar Blogs About Faith & Visiting Josh in Rehab, Mum on Pregnancy Rumor

In these difficult days, long-suffering reality star Anna Duggar has found great support through faith, she writes in a new blog post. The 19 Kids and Counting star took to the Duggar family blog to share some reflective words on her many recent trials and tribulations. She’s certainly been through a lot, and whatever you think of the Duggars, we’ve all been waiting to hear from her in her own words. Titled “A Statement From Anna Duggar,” it does not state whether Anna Duggar is pregnant for the fifth time, as has been rumored. It does, however, shed light on a lot of things, tellingly: “Many have asked how I am doing. So many have asked that its actually humbling and touching.” “2015 was the most difficult year of my life.” “Yet, amazingly I’ve found that in my own life crisis God has drawn near to me (“He’s near to the brokenhearted” Psalms 34:18) and my faith has been more precious to me than ever before.” “Just recently I visited Josh. It was an important step on a long difficult road. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and your messages of hope.” “I can never express how your kindness and prayers have brought encouragement when I needed it most – outpacing the grief and discouragement at every turn.” View Slideshow: 13 Reasons Why Anna Duggar Should Leave Josh NOW “I trust that God will continue to show His love and tenderness toward us and bring beauty from ashes – somehow – was only He can do.” “Please continue to pray for me, Josh and our children.” An important step on a long, difficult road . Prayers outpacing grief and discouragement . Bringing beauty from the ashes . Read between the lines and Anna’s message is clear …  She’s totally preggers. Or at least not leaving his ass. Honestly, the family’s odd  radio silence on the pregnancy rumor aside, does anyone really believe sex rehab has conjugal visits? We’re skeptical. But there’s absolutely no way a divorce is in the works right now, or even on the table as a possibility anymore. Anna publicly condemned Josh’s sexual escapades on last month’s  Jill & Jessa: Counting On as a betrayal to herself and all Christians . Josh and Anna share four young kids – Mackynzie, 6, Michael, 4, Marcus, 2 and Meredith, 5 months – and likely #5 coming soon. View Slideshow: Anna Duggar: 7 Dark Secrets You Never Knew!

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Anna Duggar Blogs About Faith & Visiting Josh in Rehab, Mum on Pregnancy Rumor

Project Runway Castoff Peach Carr Talks to Movieline About the Contestant Who ‘Broke Her Spirit’

Peach Carr, the Project Runway contestant eliminated in last night’s episode, was the eldest and funniest member of the season eight cast, so it’s disheartening to hear that one of her fellow competitors said something disparaging about her personal life that “broke her spirit” before the bridesmaid challenge. Carr talked to us this morning about her fabric choices, her friendship with April, and the remark that left her brokenhearted.

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Project Runway Castoff Peach Carr Talks to Movieline About the Contestant Who ‘Broke Her Spirit’

Didi Benami Plans Songs About ‘Crazy Experience’ Of ‘American Idol’

Latest ‘Idol’ castoff hopes to mine a ‘really long journal entry’ she wrote for new material. By Jim Cantiello Didi Benami Photo: MTV News Didi Benami’s final week on “American Idol” was a bumpy one, what with her tepidly received “What Becomes of the Brokenhearted,” an awkward interaction with Ryan Seacrest during which the host clutched on to her hand and begged her to open up about her deceased friend to 30 million viewers and, of course, her somewhat-shocking elimination Wednesday night, making her the third female singer in a row forced to take a bow. It was a roller-coaster ride , for sure, but also the perfect fodder for a killer song. “That was a crazy experience to say the least,” Benami recently told MTV News. “I wrote the day I got kicked off, actually. I was sitting up in the holding room and … I had this really weird feeling like I knew I was going to be in the bottom three … and I wrote this really long journal entry. … That day is going to turn into something. There’s a lot there.” Before heading out on the American Idols Live! Tour with the rest of the season-nine top 10 this summer, Benami plans to team up with some of her old L.A. songwriter buddies, Kyler England and the “whimsically fantastic” Jason Reeves (who has co-written with Colbie Caillat and Kara DioGuardi). While “Idol” doesn’t allow original songs to be performed by contestants, fans recently got a taste of Didi’s songwriting chops when an old track, “Sweet Rain,” found its way online. “That was a song that I did awhile ago when I was still trying to figure out where I was going [musically],” Didi sighed, before adding, “I have some really, really great songs that I can’t wait to get out, that are way better than ‘Sweet Rain.’ ” Are you excited to hear Didi’s post-“Idol” music? Let us know in the comments! Get your “Idol” fix on MTV News’ “American Idol” page , where you’ll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. Related Photos ‘American Idol’ Season Nine Performances

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Didi Benami Plans Songs About ‘Crazy Experience’ Of ‘American Idol’

Didi Benami Says She Was ‘Just Riding The Wave’ Of ‘American Idol’

‘Honestly, I got further than I ever thought that I would,’ latest castoff says. By Katie Byrne Didi Benami performs on “American idol” on Wednesday Photo: Fox It’s been an emotional “American Idol” journey for Didi Benami. When we met the 23-year-old waitress from Knoxville, Tennessee, she told the story of her late friend during a powerhouse audition. Her hot streak continued with an acoustic cover of the Kara DioGuardi-penned “Terrified” during Hollywood Week. But the judges were confused by Benami’s all-over-the-map song choices during the live shows, and voters apparently lost interest, too, after her wobbly take on “What Becomes of the Brokenhearted,” sending the singer/songwriter packing Wednesday. We caught up with Didi on Thursday (April 1) to talk about Ryan Seacrest’s awkward questions, meeting superstar mentors and what’s next. Q : You were very emotional during your time on “Idol.” Is that typical for you, or was it the pressure-filled experience that set you off? A : Music is definitely therapy for me. It’s therapeutic and, I do it as a relief, and it’s who I am. And it’s funny, because the cameras always catch me whenever I am emotional, which sucks, because I’m not always emotional. I’ve actually been pretty strong through this whole thing. It’s just, whenever something happens and I break down, it’s unfortunately right when there’s a camera in my face. But it’s been an amazing ride, and of course it’s been emotional, because this is something that I’ve always wanted to do, and reaching that place that I got to on the show was really an amazing thing for me, and it was really a big accomplishment. And that was emotional for me, because you work so hard, and you just try to believe and keep the faith and imagine and just know that good things will come, and when they finally do, it’s like almost in disbelief. And it’s a really amazing opportunity, and it brought me to tears. Q : Ryan asked you some uncomfortable questions on Tuesday night that you didn’t want to answer. Do you think that affected the vote at all? A : I don’t know. There’s no way to tell. It was kind of a weird situation. It was a little awkward for me. … There’s a time and a place. I was trying to convey the message through the song, not by somebody asking me why I was singing it. I think it was pretty obvious to people why I was singing it. I don’t think that anybody hasn’t had that emotion, and I sing the song because I love the song. It was kind of an uncomfortable situation for me, because I didn’t want to answer the question, but ultimately, I think I did what I felt was in my best interest. Q : Simon hesitated while deciding whether to use the judges’ save. What was it like to wait to see if they would use it? A : It was tough. The whole crowd was chanting, and that was pretty cool. But ultimately, regardless, I kind of felt like I was going home. And I thought it would be cool if they exercised the option to let me stay, and I wanted to come back next week for Beatles week and be great. But regardless of what happened, I was kind of in the head space like I was OK either way and I’m not really worried. I’ve had amazing support from everybody, and it’s just been a really crazy, cool ride, and I’m happy, because I’m going on tour, and I have a lot to look forward to, so I’m not at all distraught about anything. I want to put a record together, and I wanna get my music out there too, so it’s cool. I’m OK with it. Q : Was it a relief to make it to the top 10 so you could go on tour? A : Yeah, I’m relieved I get to go on tour. I don’t have to work as a waitress anymore! It’s nice. I get to do what I love more than anything, and it’s just amazing. The fans that are already reaching out and supporting, it’s amazing, it’s a blessing and, yeah, it is a relief. It’s a relief to know that I will be able to make a living at what I love to do over the summer and hopefully for the rest of my life, so yeah it’s been a really, really awesome experience and I’m relieved, yes. Q : This week, Kara said she thought you had lost your way. Did you agree? A : No, I don’t feel like I lost my way. I feel like they wanted me to do something specific every week, and I kind of went out on a limb several weeks and I did different things and they weren’t expecting it, and it was kind of a surprise, and it was just to show that I can do other things. I’m a singer/songwriter and I have that, but I also tap into every single emotion that I have. And that I do very well. That’s something that is artistry. Through these songs, I was just showing a different side to myself, and it probably wasn’t necessarily the side that they wanted to see, but I have them and I think everybody does, so I was just being me. … I appreciate Kara, though. I think she was trying to … I think they were all trying to be really helpful, and I was just doing my thing, and it wasn’t exactly what they had kind of planned out for me, I guess. Q : What was it like to work with Usher and Miley Cyrus? A : It was pretty cool. I mean, I realized finally where I was, actually being there with Miley Cyrus and Usher. It was like, “Oh, I’m on ‘American Idol’! I’m in the top 10!” I was just kind of riding the wave. Honestly, I got further than I ever thought that I would, and it was a really cool experience, so I’m just grateful. Q : What kind of music do you see yourself making? A : Didi music! [ Laughs. ] I’m gonna do my thing. I’m gonna do singer/songwriter type [music]. Like acoustic, low-key, chill, relaxing music. I’m gonna put my heart into what I do, like I do every time. … It’s like acoustic, I guess. Soul acoustic kind of fusion stuff — a little jazz, hint of bluegrass, and it’s a little bit of everything that I’ve experienced in my life. Were you sad to see Didi go? Are you excited to hear her post-“Idol” music? Let us know in the comments below! Get your “Idol” fix on MTV News’ “American Idol” page , where you’ll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. Related Videos ‘American Idol’ In 60 Seconds Related Photos ‘American Idol’ Season Nine Performances

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Didi Benami Says She Was ‘Just Riding The Wave’ Of ‘American Idol’