Tag Archives: zolciak-attack

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: From the Motherland to Haterville

The Real Housewives of Atlanta spent 10 days in South Africa , but did anything really change besides Cynthia’s hairdos? We recap the homecoming in THG’s +/- review. First we have to leave South Africa which may take longer than you’d think given the amount of shoes that Marlo has to pack. Oh, but she has help. Some poor resort worker comes in so that Marlo can lounge on her bed and explain how each shoe must be packed in it’s own separate little bag so that they don’t rub together in flight. Seriously? Minus 10 . Then “Blue Eyes” as NeNe calls their personal helper must run across to help NeNe close up her suitcases. There are several but at least NeNe packed them herself so Plus 5 . I want to believe Blue Eyes got a decent tip for this nonsense but somehow I doubt it. When the ladies finally leave, there is singing and dancing. Yes, it’s supposed to be some sort of ceremonial custom but honestly, can you imagine how relieved the staff must be to see these high maintenance, bossy women finally leave?