I have been wondering all along how they would deal with the idea of Mordred, since he is most commonly Arthur’s son yet in this version of the tale, so many things are different. So here we have it, the young druid boy that Arthur saves will end up being the man who kills him some day. I dislike that they basically take an entire episode of virtually nothing to introduce this one character. It makes me wonder how far into the Arthurian legend they intend to go with all this, because I’m not sure what the point of Mordred is when this is so early in Arthur’s life. Do they intend to have him try to kill Arthur a lot earlier than they are supposed to? Or attack the kingdom? It’s mildly confusing. It seems like they are doing more to set up Morgana’s future, giving her this link to the boy and him caring so much for her. I am actually curious as to how her character will continue to develop, she is one that I kind of keep watching for.
Excerpt from:
Merlin 1:8