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Source: Andy Clement – / Getty When is the GA Run-off Election? Tuesday, December 4, 2018 Where is my voting location (poll location)? Find your voting locations on the Secretary of State’s My Voter Page at How do I find the address and phone number for my county elections office? Contact information for all Georgia county elections offices can be found at the link below. You’ll find phone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail information and office addresses. If I have any questions about the elections in my county, who do I call? Call or contact your County Elections Office. Contact information is at this link. When can I ask for Absentee/Mail-in Ballot for the Dec. 4 th runoff? Now until November 30, 2018 Where can I download an Absentee Request Application? Get your Absentee Ballot application here: What is the deadline to mail in my Absentee Ballot? Your Absentee Ballot must be in your county elections office by December 4, 2018. If you decide to go to the polls on Election Day, bring your Absentee ballot with you and turn it in to the workers at the polls. They’ll check your ID and allow you to vote. Why were so many Absentee ballots rejected for the November election? Many were rejected because voters signed the Oath Envelope but did not sign their birth date. (Remember to put your birthday not the current date on the Oath Envelope.) Other ballots were thrown out because the voters’ signatures did not match the signatures on state records. Can I register to vote for the Dec. 4 th Runoff? No, the voter registration deadline for the December 4 th election has ended. However, you may register to be eligible to vote in the future. What happens if I show up at the wrong polling place? Ask for a Provisional Ballot. You’ll have three days to go to your Elections Office and show them your ID so that your ballot will count. What happens if the poll workers can’t find my name on the voter rolls? Ask for a Provisional Ballot. You’ll have three days to go to your Elections Office and show them your ID so that your ballot will count. NOTE: there is no definitive Early Voting information at this time. The Secretary of State’s office is waiting until after the Election Results have been certified to determine the Early Voting period. If no court ruling interferes, it’ll probably happen the week before the runoff.
Everything You Need To Know About 2018 GA Run-off Election