Category Archives: Sex

Lady Gaga Bra of the Day

Lady Gaga is something that the world definitely doesn’t need anything more out of… Unfortunately, THAT FALL SHE HAD ON STAGE didn’t end worse for her…like if it was an actual injury she’d be in rehab, offline, finding ways to milk it, but the paralyzed Gaga wouldn’t have the same stage presence when doing the Christopher Reeves dance moves with her wheelchair… Obviously, I only wish Paralysis on horrible people, and I personally know people who have had awful accidents and now live that paralyzed life…and I think people like Gaga actually deserve it, while normal people not shoving their nonsense with their ugly faces down our throats don’t… She’s won too hard, manipulated too hard…it is evil…but instead of Karma getting her, she just keeps doing media, getting movie roles, being praised and it has all been a fucking scam all along…a money making scam…with her the well paid puppet…on some Kermit the Frog level of puppet but less interesting and with a bigger hand shoved up her ass…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lady Gaga Bra of the Day appeared first on .

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Lady Gaga Bra of the Day

The Best Panic Attack Nudity of the Day

This girl on Instagram posted the best mental breakdown images ever. Here is her caption: “Was in the longest deepest depressive episode in my life. Feel much better. Will stay in Tokyo for a while. Tried to control myself from panic attack but instead had hyperventilation when I was alone in my home and didn’t know who to call for help. I’ve been thinking probably in another dimension I already bye byed and this present version of me actually is not the same me. This is another dimension~  Depressive episode will always come back (especially the season changing, it’s too scary) and it’s a truth that I already accepted, don’t know when is the next time, and I believed the one I just overcame must not be the most serious one. Even just think about this makes me feel tired. But there’s nothing I can do. I always feel grateful that I can walk on the street like normal people.  And it always comes back when I almost forgot how precious it is being functional like a normal human.  And I haven’t felt this peaceful for months.” I guess this is evidence that social media is good for people’s souls. Everyone lost, trying to find angles, talking craziness about not knowing what is real or not, because they live in a fucking screen, getting naked for attention, going viral and now an expert or lifestyle influencer for all to get great life tips and tricks from…the dark instagram artist stripped down eating plane toilet paper for shock value…when if she was really a depressive..she wouldn’t be doing performance art, she’d off her useless, nippleless self…but they never do…they just keep up this ridiculousness and we watch cuz the no nipple thing is a new fetish since seeing those ANGELINA JOLIE PICS the other day…right. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post The Best Panic Attack Nudity of the Day appeared first on .

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The Best Panic Attack Nudity of the Day

Foreign Film Friday: A Way of Being a Woman

One way of being a woman? To be nude! read more > >

Foreign Film Friday: A Way of Being a Woman

Movie Nudity Report: Where to See This Weekend's Stars Nude 11.8.19

Unfortunately there aren’t any new movies with nudity releasing this weekend, but we’ve got the… read more > >

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Movie Nudity Report: Where to See This Weekend's Stars Nude 11.8.19

TIKTOK Video of the Day I know all you perverts like TIKTOK for the young girls dancing….and for the idea of CHINA using a social network to steal your data like they were Facebook…tracking your every move and listening to your every word like they were SIRI / GOOGLE HOME / ALEXA….because the real threat is in our own backyard… But TIKTOK…like all things CHINESE are far superior to the USA version…that is probably outsourced and made in CHINA anyway… Because the American version is just boring idiots trying to be lifestyle instagram influencers or sex workers or snapchap premium girls…photoshopped to shit and selling product NO ONE NEEDS…but idiots buy… Where TIKTOK is people of all ages just doing funny and silly things, sometimes set to songs, but not photoshopped, and always weird and funny…it is comedic and sometimes brilliant…and I am a fan. So this kid trolling his granddad is the TIKTOK of the Day…cuz it’s amazing… The post TIKTOK Video of the Day appeared first on .

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TIKTOK Video of the Day

Jojo’s Hard Nips of the Day

Jojo barely mattered when she mattered but she’s still out there kicking it, probably making over a million dollars a year being Jojo, the Disney Kid who retired at 19, only to come back at 25, to do whatever it is she’s doing.. In those years she grew fat tits that I don’t know if she had when she was famous her first time around, because I always thought she looked like a little dude, and there were far more interesting Disney Kids to pay attention to, like our girl LINDSAY MOTHERFUCKING LOHAN…the legend of our time…and Jojo was an afterthough But she’s doing a good job to remind us that her nipples get hard in this pic posted to her IG story that she knew her nipples were hard in…on some Jennifer Aniston in Friend’s strategy…look how good that worked out for her…. They may just be nipples…exactly…they are nipples. The post Jojo’s Hard Nips of the Day appeared first on .

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Jojo’s Hard Nips of the Day

Charli XCX Big Nips of the Day

Charli XCX got some big nips… I know most of the world doesn’t know who Charli XCX is, but I don’t think Charli XCX is in on that…her narcissism and positive feedback doesn’t make her think she’s the loser that she is…the haters she plays off as just jealous…her bank account may also validate her as I don’t know what her financial dealings are and she could have a series of multi million dollars deals…I just know she isn’t ver good or interesting or compelling… I remember when she first started out and was in leotards with her big tits out, using that strategy to get noticed as girls do, not realizing that she should feel like she has imposter syndrome, the now annoying syndrome all these influencers are milking, which basically means they don’t feel they deserver the BLESSED life and success they’ve seen cuz they know in their core that they scammed…the syndrome of people who tricked people into buying into them…and knowing they tricked them..while pretending they deservered it..not a syndrome…that we have to listen to these idiots talk about.. Frankly, I prefer CHARLI XCX approach of just pulling out the tit on live broadcasts from a phone, cuz that’s what we actually care about….even if them nips be BIIIIIG…tea coaster big…it happens. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Charli XCX Big Nips of the Day appeared first on .

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Charli XCX Big Nips of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch Continues with Her Attempt at Sexy Fitness Content of the Day

Ashley TIsdale is putting out some awkward and weird workout videos of herself that unfortunately for her can’t be photoshopped into making her look hot…but I guess they have face injections for that…she did have a botched nose job once and doesn’t have any issues trying to make her ugly face hotter by going under the knife…so she sure as hell won’t have issue doing injections all the girls are getting…I mean it’s making ugly girls hot everyday…giving them that porn look…making them all look the fucking same… I’ve always made fun of Tisdale for not being hot, and it wasn’t just some cyberbully shit that was meanspirited out of bitterness that she wasn’t going to fuck me…as girls like to think any negative feedback stems from…you can’t have an opinion of a girl without it being “are you mad she won’t fuck you”…bitch…of course I’m not mad…girls haven’t been fucking me since the fucking 80s..that shit don’t phase me…I’m giving you my feedback cuz you suck… Just yesterday some trash on my facebook WHO ADDED me…wrote that she’s tired of a broken heart after a month of posting “dudes are fuckboy memes”…to which I commented “Maybe it’s your fault, you are to blame”…cuz you are responsible for your actions… Her little entourage of idiots were like “you’re obviously one of the guys she ignores in her inbox who won’t fuck you”….it’s like bitch…she added me and I’ve never communicated with her in her inbox…cuz I don’t give a fuck…I am just giving practical advice….but I am the asshole cuz I said it was her fault she had a broken heart and I am the asshole cuz she won’t fuck me…get a grip millennial idiot… ANYWAY.. I made fun of Tisdale because they marketed as hot, when she wasn’t hot, I always used her as a body outweighs a face example cuz she was fit, despite not being hot…and I guess she’s back in the gym staying fit…which will go a long way for her…even if the content she produces around it fucking sucks and is totally embarrassing… Tisdale…still ugly…still lame…but the body is alright…and that’s what matters. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch Continues with Her Attempt at Sexy Fitness Content of the Day appeared first on .

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Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch Continues with Her Attempt at Sexy Fitness Content of the Day

#TBT to Linda Hamilton's Nude Scenes

I’ll be back…for Terminator tits! read more > >

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#TBT to Linda Hamilton's Nude Scenes

Top Ten Nude Scenes from 3D Movies

There’s nothing quite like seeing all three Bs in all three Ds, as proven by these ten… read more > >

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Top Ten Nude Scenes from 3D Movies